


  1. Ejection of droplets from liquid gallium and tin interacting with inductively coupled plasmas
    Y. Hamana, N. Shirai, and K. Sasaki
    The 4th US-Japan workshop on "Power and Particle Control in a Steady State
    Magnetic Fusion DEMO Reactor by Liquid Metal Plasma-Facing Components",
    Toki, Japan, 2024

  2. Direct conversionof benzene to phenol in plasma-irradiated aqueous solution
    Y. Inagaki; Y. R. Hayashi; N. Shirai; S. Takakusagi; and K. Sasaki;
    Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG 2024)

  3. Distribution of radicals in plasma catalysis for CO2 methanation using an atmospheric pressure plasma jet
    A. Saito; T. Nozaki; T. Miyazaki; Y. Inagaki; K. Sasaki;
    Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG 2024)

  4. Measurement of negative ion density in streamer discharge in air by transient cavity ringdown spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki; K. Fushimi; N. Shirai;
    Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG 2024)

  5. Influence of gas temperature and neutral particle density on self-organized luminous patterns in atmospheric-pressure DC glow discharge
    T. Miyazaki; K. Sasaki; N. Shirai;
    Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG 2024)

  6. Estimation of sheath electric field based on Dopper broadened absorption spectrum of hydrogen Balmer-alpha line
    K. Sasaki; K. Takada; S. Nishiyama;
    Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG 2024)

  7. Organic Synthesis Reaction Induced by Plasma-Liquid Interaction and Plasma Flow
    N. Shirai
    4th IDK PEC Meeting and RETR-5R (University of Regensburg, Faculty for Chemistry, September 6 to 7, 2024)

  8. Correlation of ammonia synthesis rate with fluxes of atomic nitrogen and molecular nitrogen at vibrational excited states generated by an atmospheric-pressure plasmajet
    K. Sasaki
    18th HAKONE - International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry
    - ​Abano Terme, Padova, ITALY September 1-6, 2024

  9. Atmospheric-pressure DC exited discharge with liquid electrode: Self-organized formation of luminescence and gas generation by plasma-induced electrolysis
    Naoki Shirai
    77th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (San Diego, California September 30–October 4 2024)

  10. Development of a wide bandwidth heterodyne dispersion interferometer for electron density measurement of atmospheric pressure plasmas
    T. Hisakado, T. Akiyama, D. Vollmer, A. Palmer, K. Urabe, and N. Shirai
    77th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (San Diego, California September 30–October 4 2024)

  11. Comparison between Atomic Nitrogen Density and Synthesis Rate of Ammonia in Inductively Coupled Nitrogen/Water Vapor Plasma
    Kyohei Kita, Yoshinobu Inagaki, Koich Sasaki
    The 8th Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Plasma Leading Science and Technology (JTPL2024) (Muroran, Japan, December 13-15, 2024)

  12. Effect of oxygen on the self-organized luminescent patterns observed on the surface of the anode in direct current glow discharge
    Naoki Shirai, Toshiaki Miyazaki, Koichi Sasaki
    The 8th Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Plasma Leading Science and Technology (JTPL2024) (Muroran, Japan, December 13-15, 2024)


  1. Droplet ejection from liquid gallium interacting with inductively coupled hydrogen, helium, and nitrogen plasmas
    Y. Hamana, N. Shirai, and K. Sasaki
    US-Japan and International Workshop on Power and Particle Control in DEMO Fusion Reactor by Liquid Metal Plasma-Facing Components, Princeton, USA, 2023

  2. Key species in plasma-aided ammonia synthesis: atomic nitrogen versus
    molecular nitrogen at vibrational excited states
    K. Sasaki
    785. WE-Heraeus-Seminar "Non-Thermal Plasmas for Sustainable Chemistry", Bad
    Honnef, Germany, 2023

  3. Cavity ringdown Lamb dip spectroscopy at Balmer α line of atomic hydrogen
    for measuring electric field in plasma
    K. Sasaki, K. Fushimi, S. Tomioka, and S. Nishiyama
    20th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Kyoto,
    Japan, 2023

  4. High-sensitivity Lamb dip spectroscopy with frequency modulation technique
    S. Nishiyama, M. Goto, H. Nakano, and K. Sasaki
    20th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Kyoto,
    Japan, 2023

  5. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy based on thermodynamic equilibrium and
    corona equilibrium for estimating atomic composition in powdered milk
    K. Sasaki
    7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, Nagoya, Japan, 2023

  6. Characterization of spherical tin nanoparticles with melted inner layer synthesized using dc magnetron sputtering plasma
    M. Murugesh and K. Sasaki
    The 25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC25), Kyoto, Japan, 2023

  7. Control of self-organized luminous pattern formation in atmospheric-pressure dc glow discharge by using external electric field
    T. Miyazaki, N. Shirai and Koichi Sasaki
    The 25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC25), Kyoto, Japan, 2023

  8. Relative quantum yield in laser-induced desolvation of hydrated electrons observed in a water jet immersed in a low-pressure plasma
    Y. Inagaki, and K. Sasaki
    The 25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC25), Kyoto, Japan, 2023

  9. Catalyst-free ammonia synthesis using DC-driven atmospheric-pressure plasma in contact with liquid
    M. Ramoy, N. Shirai and K. Sasaki
    The 25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC25), Kyoto, Japan, 2023

  10. Redox reactions on surface of water jet injected into low-pressure plasma
    Koichi Sasak
    The 25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC25), Kyoto, Japan, 2023

  11. Estimation of vibrational temperatures of CO2 in dielectric barrier discharges by deep ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki and Y. Maniwa
    International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG XXXV), Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 2023

  12. Control of self-organized luminous pattern formation in atmospheric-pressure dc glow discharge
    T. Miyazaki, N. Shirai and K. Sasaki
    International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG XXXV), Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 2023

  13. Effects of rf power and potential of water jet on quantum yield of laser-induced desolvation in inductively coupled plasma
    Y. Inagaki and K. Sasaki
    International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG XXXV), Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 2023

  14. Challenges in obtaining uniform distribution of core shell Tin nano-particles using dc magnetron sputtering plasma
    M. Munaswamy and K. Sasaki
    International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG XXXV), Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 2023

  15. Propagation of radicals and carbon particles in CH4 plasma at atmospheric pressur
    A. Saito, Y. Hayashi, T. Miyazaki, N. Shirai and K. Sasaki
    International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG XXXV), Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 2023

  16. Importance of gas dissolution on droplet ejection from liquid gallium irradiated with inductively coupled plasma
    Y. Hamana, N. Shirai and K. Sasaki
    76th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, October 9–13, 2023; Michigan League, Ann Arbor, Michigan

  17. Measuement of radicals in liquid and surface tension change induced by plamsa-liquid interface
    N. Shirai
    7th Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology, Oct. 26-28, 2023, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

  18. Contribution of vibrational excited molecular nitrogen to ammonia synethsis using atmospheic-pressure plasma
    K. Sasaki, A. Miyake and N. Shirai
    7th Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology, Oct. 26-28, 2023, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

  19. Self-organized Pattern Formation Observed in DC Excited Glow Discharge in Atmospheric Pressure Air
    N. Shirai
    The 13th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering
    Nov. 5-8, 2023 BPEX, Busan, Republic of Korea

  20. Catalyst-free synthesis of ammonia using atmospheric-pressure DC plasma in contact with water
    N. Shirai
    2023 Australia -Japan Symposium on Plasma Catalysis, Nov.24-25, 2023, The University of Adelaide

  21. Detection of hydrated electron below the interface between plasma and water
    Y. Inagaki and K. Sasaki
    2023 Australia -Japan Symposium on Plasma Catalysis, Nov.24-25,2023, The University of Adelaide

  22. Chemical synthesis process by atmospheric pressure plasma using air and water
    N. Shirai


  1. Contribution of Vibrational Excited States of Molecular Nitrogen to Synthesis of Ammonia in Low-Pressure N2/H2 Plasmas with Low Electron Temperatures
    K. Sasaki
    14th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 15th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2022

  2. Importance of supersaturated dissolution for ejection of droplets from liquid gallium interacting with inductively coupled plasma
    Y. Hamana, N. Shirai, K. Sasaki
    The 22nd International Vacuum Congress IVC-22

  3. Detection of negative ions in atmospheric-pressure dc glow discharge with self-organized luminous pattern formation
    T. Miyazaki, N. Shirai, K. Sasaki
    The 22nd International Vacuum Congress IVC-22

  4. Comparison between synthesis rates of ammonia in inductively coupled nitrogen/water vapor and nitrogen/hydrogen plasmas
    Jin Takahashi, K. Sasaki
    The 22nd International Vacuum Congress IVC-22

  5. Effect of positive bias potential on synthesis and transport of tin nanoparticles using magnetron sputtering
    Munaswamy Murugesh and Koichi Sasaki
    The 22nd International Vacuum Congress

  6. Influence of water vapor and negative ions on self-organized luminous pattern formation in an atmospheric-pressure dc glow discharge
    T. Miyazaki, N. Shirai, K. Sasaki
    75th Annual Gaseous Electronics, Sendai, Japan 2022

  7. Production of large-volume atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge using high-rate helium flow
    Y. Soga, N. Shria, K. Sasaki
    75th Annual Gaseous Electronics, Sendai, Japan 2022

  8. Lamb dip spectrum in cavity ringdown spectroscopy at Balmer-α line of atomic hydrogen: toward sheath electric field measurement in plasmas
    K. Fushimi, S. Nishiyama, S. Tomioka, K. Sasaki
    75th Annual Gaseous Electronics, Sendai, Japan 2022

  9. Absolute intensity of luminol chemiluminescence induced in vicinty of water surface irradiated with atmospheric pressure helium dc glow discharge
    S. Uebayashi, T. Miyazaki, Y. Inagaki, N.Shirai, K. Sasaki
    75th Annual Gaseous Electronics, Sendai, Japan 2022

  10. Change in surface tension of water in atmospheric pressure plasma-liquid interaction
    N. Shirai, Y. Takamura, T. Kaneko, K. Sasaki
    75th Annual Gaseous Electronics, Sendai, Japan 2022

  11. Detection of pulsed current induced by laser-induced desolvation of hydrated electrons in water jet immersed in low-pressure plasma
    Y. Inagaki, K. Sasaki
    75th Annual Gaseous Electronics, Sendai, Japan 2022

  12. Droplet release characteristics and droplet ejection mechanism from liquid gallium interacting with inductively coupled plasma
    Y. Hamana, N. Shirai, and K. Sasaki
    2nd US-Japan Workshop on Power and Particle Control in a Steady State Magnetic Fusion DEMO Reactor by Liquid Metal PFCs, Kasugai, Japan, 2022

  13. Estimation of atomic composition of mineral species in powdered milk by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki and K. Maruyama
    16th Conference on Laser Ablation, Matsue, Japan, 2022

  14. Experimental investigation on solvated electrons in liquids interacting with plasmas
    K. Sasaki
    International Online Plasma Seminar, Online, 2022

  15. Contribution of excited states of molecular nitrogen to surface reactions in nitrogen plasmas
    K. Sasaki
    2022 IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, Online, 2022

  16. Detection of negative ions in dc glow and streamer discharges produced in ambient air
    K. Sasaki
    17th International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry, Kerkrade, The Netherland, 2022

  17. Efficient production of vibrational excited states of molecular nitrogen in recombining helium plasma with ultralow electron temperature
    K. Sasaki
    20th International Congress on Plasma Physics, Gyeongju, Korea, 2022

  18. Ejection of droplets from liquid gallium by collapse of bubbles induced by plasma-liquid interaction
    Y. Hamana, N. Shirai, and K. Sasaki
    7th International Symposium on Liquid Metals Applications for Fusion, Kasugai, Japan, 2022


  1. Loss rate of N2 in N2/H2 plasma with a low electron temperature
    M. Yamazaki and K. Sasaki,
    13th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials/ 14th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology and Science,
    Online 2021

  2. Mechanism of Droplet ejection from liquid gallium interacting with inductively coupled helium plasmas
    Y. Hamana, N. Shirai and K. Sasaki,
    13th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials/ 14th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology and Science,
    Online 2021

  3. Importance of solubility on droplet ejection from liquid gallium interacting with inductively coupled helium plasma
    Y. Hamana, N. Shirai and K. Sasaki,
    74th Annual Gaseous Electronics Virtual Conference, USA, 2021

  4. Relationship between photon energy and current induced by photo-excited desolvation of hydrated electrons in atmospheric-pressure dc glow discharge
    Y. Inagaki, K. Sasaki
    74th Annual Gaseous Electronics Virtual Conference, USA, 2021

  5. Efficient Generation of OH Radicals Using Atmospheric Pressure DC Glow Discharge with Two Intersecting Gas Flows
    N. Shirai, H, Owada, K. Sasaki
    74th Annual Gaseous Electronics Virtual Conference, USA, 2021


  1. Change in discharge current of atmospheric-pressure helium glow discharge by photo-excited desolvation of hydrated electrons
    Y. Inagaki, K. Sasaki
    73rd Annual Gaseous Electronics Virtual Conference, USA, 2020

  2. Diagnostics of liquid-side phenomena in plasma-liquid interaction
    K. Sasaki
    73rd Annual Gaseous Electronics Virtual Conference, USA, 2020

  3. Low-Temperature Reactive Plasmas-Fundamentals and Applications-
    Koichi Sasaki, 18th IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development,
    Online, 2020


  1. Plasma liquid interaction induced by atmospheric pressure dc glow discharge
    N. Shirai
    22nd Symposium on Applications of Plasma Processes (SAPP XXII) and the 11th EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, 2019

  2. Reaction frequencies of CTTS transition-induced solvated electrons in ionic liquids interacting with low-pressure argon plasmas
    Y. Inagaki and K. Sasaki
    11th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 12th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2019

  3. Rate coefficient of CO2 decomposition via vibrational excited states in recombining plasmas with ultralow electron temperature
    M. Yamazaki, S. Nishiyama and K. Sasak
    XXXIV International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (XXXIV ICPIG) and the 10th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (ICRP-10), Sapporo, Japan, 2019

  4. Droplet emission form liquid surface of atmospheric pressure plasma in contact with liquid
    N. Shirai, G. Suga and K. Sasaki
    XXXIV International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (XXXIV ICPIG) and the 10th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (ICRP-10), Sapporo, Japan, 2019

  5. Reaction frequencies of CTTS transition-induced solvated electrons in bulk region of ionic liquids irradiated with low-pressure Ar, O2, and N2 plasmas
    Y. Inagaki and K. Sasaki
    XXXIV International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (XXXIV ICPIG) and the 10th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (ICRP-10), Sapporo, Japan, 2019

  6. Effect of current on the synthesis of copper oxide nanoparticles by atmospheric-pressure plasma electrolysis
    J. Liu, N. Shirai and K. Sasaki
    XXXIV International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (XXXIV ICPIG) and the 10th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (ICRP-10), Sapporo, Japan, 2019

  7. Comparison of radical densities in helium and nitrogen pasma jets to identify effective species for suppression of potato sprout
    K. Ueno, S. Nishiyama and K. Sasaki
    XXXIV International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (XXXIV ICPIG) and the 10th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (ICRP-10), Sapporo, Japan, 2019

  8. Visualization of OH radial in liquid induced by atmospheric pressure plasma by luminol chemiluminescence
    N. Shirai, G. Suga and K. Sasaki
    XXXIV International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (XXXIV ICPIG) and the 10th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (ICRP-10), Sapporo, Japan, 2019

  9. Droplet ejection from liquid gallium and tin interacting with inductively coupled argon and helium plasmas
    Y. Hamana, N. Shirai and K. Sasaki
    XXXIV International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (XXXIV ICPIG) and the 10th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (ICRP-10), Sapporo, Japan, 2019

  10. Measurement of surface tension at interface between water and spatial afterglow of an atmospheric-pressure helium plasma
    T. Kaneko, N. Shirai and K. Sasaki
    XXXIV International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (XXXIV ICPIG) and the 10th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (ICRP-10), Sapporo, Japan, 2019

  11. Synthesis of core-shell nanoparticles with tin-droplet core using magnetron sputtering dusty plasma
    K. Sasaki and H. koyama
    72nd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, College Station, USA, 2019

  12. Fractional abundance of negative ions in dc glow discharge in contact with solution
    K. Sasaki, R. Hododa, N. Shirai and F. Tochikubo
    72nd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, College Station, USA, 2019

  13. Correlation between OH density in gas and intensity of luminol chemiluminescence in liquid interacting with atmospheric-pressure DC glow discharge
    N. Shirai
    72nd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, College Station, USA, 2019

  14. Rate coefficient of CO2 splitting in recombining hydrogen and helium plasmas with ultralow electron temperatures
    K. Sasaki and M. Yamazaki
    7th East Asia Joint Symposium on Plasma and Electrostatics Technologies for Environmental Applications, Naha, Japan, 2019

  15. Influence of liquid metal temperature on droplet ejection from liquid gallium and tin interacting withinductively coupled plasmas
    Y. Hamana, N. Shirai and K. Sasaki
    The 11th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-11), Kanazawa, Japan, 2019

  16. Influence of the pH value on the mechanism of cuprous oxide synthesis by atmospheric-pressureplasma electrolysis
    J. Liu, N. Shirai and K. Sasaki
    The 11th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-11), Kanazawa, Japan, 2019


  1. Decomposition of carbon dioxide by recombining hydrogen plasma with a low electron temperature
    M. Yamazaki and K. Sasaki
    10th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 11th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2018

  2. Sensitive measurement of sheath electric field by Stark spectroscopy at the Balmer-alpha line of atomic hydrogen
    K. Sasaki and S. Nishiyama
    45th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, 2018

  3. Production of droplets by magnetron sputtering of a liquid tin target
    K. Sasaki and H. Koyama
    24th Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, Glasgow, UK, 2018

  4. Decomposition efficiency of CO2 in recombining hydrogen plasma with ultralow electron temperature
    M. Yamazaki and K. Sasaki
    24th Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, Glasgow, UK, 2018

  5. Measurements of electron density, electron temperature, and gas temperature in recombining hydrogen plasma with addition of CO2
    M. Yamazaki, S. Nishiyama, and K. Sasaki
    24th Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, Glasgow, UK, 2018

  6. Investigation of reaction induced by atmospheric pressure plasma in contact with liquid
    N. Shirai
    The 7th International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technolog, Incheon, Korea, 2018

  7. Investigation of plasma-liquid interaction of atmospheric pressure plasmas using a liquid electrode
    N. Shirai
    Plasma Processing Science, Gordon Research Conference, Smithfield, USA, 2018

  8. Observation of 1D-1S forbidden optical emission of atomic oxygen in atmospheric-pressure N2/O2 plasma jet
    K. Sasaki, S. Nishiyama, and N. Shirai
    16th International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry, Beijing, China, 2018

  9. Diagnostics of plasma-liquid interactions
    K. Sasaki and N. Shirai
    71th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Portland, USA, 2018

  10. Diagnostics of atmospheric-pressure N2/O2 plasma jet with green optical emission
    K. Sasaki, S. Nishiyama, M. Shimabayashi, K. Ueno, and N. Shirai
    71th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Portland, USA, 2018

  11. An experimental study of population density distribution of H(n=2) fine structure by laser absorption spectroscopy
    S. Nishiyama, T. Naruse, and K. Sasaki
    71th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Portland, USA, 2018

  12. Effect of dissolved oxygen on the synthesis of copper oxide nanoparticles by atmospheric pressure plasma electrolysis
    J. Liu, N. Shirai, and K. Sasaki
    71th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Portland, USA, 2018

  13. Applications of saturation spectroscopy to plasma diagnostics
    S. Nishiyama and K. Sasaki
    2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, Kanazawa, Japan, 2018

  14. Generation processes of Ca atoms via interaction between Ca2+ containing droplets and laser-produced plasma in atmosphere
    G. Suga, N. Shirai, and K. Sasaki
    2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, Kanazawa, Japan, 2018

  15. Reaction frequencies of CTTS-driven solvated electrons in ionic liquids interacting with argon, oxygen, and nitrogen plasmas
    K. Sasaki and Y. Inagaki
    5th Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2018


  1. Application of saturation spectroscopy to the measurement of sheath electric field in a low-temperature plasma
    K. Sasaki and S. Nishiyama
    4th Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology, Morioka, Japan, 2017

  2. Bubble formation in the discharge between planar and needle electrodes via laser ablation-induced cavitation bubble
    K. Sasaki and Y. Takahashi
    XXXIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Estoril, Portugal, 2017

  3. Structure at the top of premixed burner flame with the superposition of pulsed dielectric barrier discharge
    K. Sasaki and K. Zaima
    XXXIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Estoril, Portugal, 2017

  4. Effect of discharge tube temperature on the density of N(4So) in a remote nitrogen plasma source
    M. Shimabayashi, K. Kurihara, and K. Sasaki
    XXXIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Estoril, Portugal, 2017

  5. Evaluation of sheath electric field in a low-temperature hydrogen plasma by saturation spectroscopy at Balmer-α line of atomic hydrogen
    K. Sasaki and S. Nishiyama
    1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, Chengdu, China, 2017

  6. Plasma-liquid interaction induced by atmospheric pressure plasma using liquid electrode
    N. Shirai
    1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, Chengdu, China, 2017

  7. Sensitivity, ambiguity, and resolution of electric field measurement by saturation spectroscopy in Balmer-alpha line of atomic hydrogen
    K. Sasaki and S. Nishiyama
    18th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Prague, Czech Republic, 2017

  8. Production of electrical discharges in acoustic cavitation bubbles
    K. Sasaki, N. Takada, Y. Hayashi, and M. Goto
    70th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, 2017

  9. Effective species in ignition processes of premixed burner flame with superposition of dielectric barrier discharge
    K. Sasaki and Y. Deguchi
    70th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, 2017

  10. Investigation of droplet generation induced by atmospheric pressure glow discharge in contact with liquid
    N. Shirai, G. Suga, S. Nishiyama, and K. Sasaki
    70th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, 2017

  11. Efect of discharge tube temperature on the densities of N2(A3Σu+) and atomic nitrogen in a remote nitrogen plasma source
    M. Shimabayashi, K. Kurihara, and K. Sasaki
    70th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, 2017

  12. Effect of discharge tube temperature on the densities of N(4So) and N2(A3Σu+) in a remote nitrogen plasma
    M. Shimabayashi, K. Kurihara, and K. Sasaki
    39th International Symposium on Dry Process, Tokyo, Japan, 2017

  13. Comparison between absolute densities of metastable state and ground state of atoms in CZTS sputtering plasmas
    N. Nafarizal and K. Sasaki
    International Conference on Engineering, Science and Nanotechnology, Solo, Indonesia, 2017



  1. Electrical discharge in a laser ablation-induced cavitation bubble
    K. Sasaki and Y. Takahashi
    4th Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids, Essen, Germany, 2016

  2. Plasma-assisted combustion in steady-state premixed burner flame: a key species identified by advanced diagnostics
    K. Sasaki
    18th International Congress on Plasma Physics, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2016

  3. Diagnostics of magnetron sputtering plasmas for deposition of CuZnSnS films
    K. Sasaki and N. Nafarizal
    6th International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology, Gyeongju, Korea, 2016

  4. Discharge processes in a laser ablation-induced cavitation bubble
    K. Sasaki and Y. Takahashi
    69th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Bochum, Germany, 2016

  5. Synthesis, transport, and retention of tin nanodroplets in a magnetron sputtering source combined with a capacitively-coupled plasma
    K. Sasaki and K. Takanari
    69th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Bochum, Germany, 2016

  6. Stark spectroscopy of atomic hydrogen balmer-alpha line for electric field measurement in plasmas by saturation spectroscopy
    S. Nishiyama, K. Katayama, H. Nakano, M. Goto, and K. Sasaki
    69th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Bochum, Germany, 2016

  7. Effect of sheath gas in atmospheric-pressure plasma jet for potato sprouting suppression
    S. Nishiyama, M. Monma, and K. Sasaki
    69th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Bochum, Germany, 2016

  8. Propagation of flame kernel in spatial afterglow of dielectric barrier discharge
    K. Sasaki and Y. Deguchi
    3rd Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016

  9. Low-temperature surface nitriding of SiC by remote nitrogen plasma
    M. Shimabayashi, K. Kurihara, and K. Sasaki
    3rd Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016

  10. Numerical analysis of bubble dynamics with vapor-liquid boundary conditions derived from molecular gas dynamics
    S. Morikawa, Y. Jinbo, Y. Tatekura, K. Kobayashi, M. Watanabe, H. Fujii, and K. Sasaki
    9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Firenze, Itary, 2016

  11. Characteristics of atmospheric-pressure glow discharge surrounded by mist-flow
    T. Tanaka, N. Shirai, S. Uchida, and F. Tochikubo
    Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Electrical Discharge and High Voltage Engineering, Miyazaki, Japan, 2016

  12. Stark Spectrum of Atomic Hydrogen Balmer-Alpha Line Observed by Saturation Sepctroscopy for Electric Field Measurement in Sheath Region
    S. Nishiyama, K. Katayama, H. Nakano, M. Goto, and K. Sasaki
    7th International workshop on Plasma Spectrocsopy, Inuyama, Japan, 2016

  13. Measurements of absolute Cu, Zn and Sn metastable densities in CZTS sputtering plasmas measured using UVAS technique
    N. Nafarizal and K. Sasaki
    11th IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2016


  1. Laser-aided diagnostics in an atmospheric-pressure dc glow plasma in contact with solution
    K. Sasaki
    The 20th Workshop on Advanced Plasma Processes and Diagnostics, Sapporo, Japan, 2015

  2. Application of saturation spectroscopy to the measurement of electron density in argon containing plasma
    S. Nishiyama
    The 20th Workshop on Advanced Plasma Processes and Diagnostics, Sapporo, Japan, 2015

  3. Issues of less-abundant composition of S atom in magnetron sputtered CZTS thin film
    N. Nafarizal and K. Sasaki
    The 20th Workshop on Advanced Plasma Processes and Diagnostics, Sapporo, Japan, 2015

  4. Temporal behaviors of bubbles induced by laser ablation in liquid nitrogen
    S. Harada and K. Sasaki
    The 20th Workshop on Advanced Plasma Processes and Diagnostics, Sapporo, Japan, 2015

  5. Characteristics of electrical discharge in a cavitation bubble induced by liquid-phase laser ablation
    Y. Takahashi and K. Sasaki
    The 20th Workshop on Advanced Plasma Processes and Diagnostics, Sapporo, Japan, 2015

  6. Synthesis of Composite Nanoparticles by Laser Ablation in Liquid CO2
    M. Mardis, N. Takada, K. Sasaki, H. Kanda, and M. Goto
    7th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and Its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 8th International COnference on Plasma Nano Technology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2015

  7. Three-dimensional gas temperature measurements by computed tomography with incident angle variable interferometer
    Satoshi Tomioka, Shusuke Nishiyama, Samia Heshmat, Yasuhiro Hashimoto, and Kodai Kurita
    IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, Image Processing: Computational Imaging XIII, San Francisco, California, USA, 2015

  8. Phenomena observed around the interface between dc helium glow plasma and NaCl solution
    K. Sasaki
    2nd Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology, Sendai, Japan, 2015

  9. Recycle of water molecules in atmospheric-pressure glow discharge in contact with solution: An aspect of plasma-liquid interaction
    K. Sasaki
    2015 International Forum on Functional Materials, Jeju, Korea, 2015

  10. Diagnostics of premixed burner flame with the superposition of dielectric barrier discharge
    K. Sasaki
    XXXII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Iasi, Romania, 2015

  11. Dynamics of cavitation bubbles induced by laser ablation in liquid nitrogen at various temperatures
    K. Sasaki and S. Harada
    13th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Cairns, Australia, 2015

  12. Spectrum of laser light scattered by nanoparticles in ablation-induced cavitation bubble
    K. Sasaki and M. Takeuchi
    13th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Cairns, Australia, 2015

  13. Productions of liquid-phase plasmas using optical and acoustic powers
    K. Sasaki
    10th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Jeju, Koria, 2015

  14. Electron density measurement of mixture plasmas of argon and molecular gas by saturation spectroscopy
    S. Nishiyama, H. Wang, and K. Sasaki
    17th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Sapporo, Japan, 2015

  15. Two-dimensional transport behavior of Cu and Sn particles in plasmas observed by laser light scattering technique
    N. Nafarizal and K. Sasaki
    17th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Sapporo, Japan, 2015

  16. Production of water mist from electrolyte surface in contact with atmospheric-pressure dc helium glow plasma
    K. Sasaki, H. Ishigame, and S. Nishiyama
    68th Gaseous Electronics Conference / 9th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Honolulu, USA, 2015

  17. Importance of atomic oxygen in preheating zone in plasma-assisted combustion of a steady-state premixed burner flame
    K. Zaima, H. Akashi, and K. Sasaki
    68th Gaseous Electronics Conference / 9th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Honolulu, USA, 2015

  18. Influence of molecular gas concentration on measurement of plasma electron density by saturation spectroscopy
    S. Nishiyama, H. Wang, and K. Sasaki
    68th Gaseous Electronics Conference / 9th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Honolulu, USA, 2015

  19. Effect of low temperature in nitriding of SiC using a remote
    M. Shimabayashi, K. Kurihara, and K. Sasaki
    68th Gaseous Electronics Conference / 9th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Honolulu, USA, 2015

  20. Enhancement of burning velocity by dissociated oxygen atoms
    H. Akashi, T. Yoshinaga, and K. Sasaki
    68th Gaseous Electronics Conference / 9th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Honolulu, USA, 2015

  21. Ratio of Cu, Zn, Sn and S densities in magnetron sputtering plasmas employing a stoichiometric Cu2ZnSnS4 target
    N. Nafarizal and K. Sasaki
    68th Gaseous Electronics Conference / 9th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Honolulu, USA, 2015

  22. Deposition of crystalline CZTS films using high-pressure magnetron sputtering plasmas
    N. Nafarizal, S. Kikuchi, and K. Sasaki
    37th International Symposium on Dry Process, Awaji Island, Japan, 2015

  23. Synthesis of nitride layer by irradiating a remote nitrogen plasma onto 4H-SiC at a low temperature
    M. Shimabayashi, K. Kurihara, and K. Sasaki
    37th International Symposium on Dry Process, Awaji Island, Japan, 2015

  24. Cavitations induced by plasmas, plasmas induced by cavitations, and plasmas produced in cavitations
    K. Sasaki
    57th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Savannah, USA, 2015

  25. Shadowgraph imaging under the electrolyte surface irradiated by atmospheric-pressure helium DC glow discharge
    S. Nishiyama, T. Suzuki, and K. Sasaki
    Joint Symposium of the 9th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology and the 28th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials, Nagasaki, Japan, 2015

  26. Negative ion production and beam extraction processes in a large ion source
    K. Tsumori, K. Ikeda, H. Nakano, M. Kisaki, S. Geng, M. Wada, K. Sasaki, S. Nishiyama, G. Serianni, C. Wimmer, P. Agosttineti, E. Sartori, M. Brombin, K. Nagaoka, M. Osakabe, Y. Takeiri, O. Kaneko, and NIFS NBI group
    16th International Conference on Ion Sources, New York, USA, 2015


  1. Application of saturation spectroscopy to the measurement of electron density in an argon-containing plasma
    H. Wang, S. Nishiyama, and K. Sasaki
    8th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Fukuoka, Japan, 2014

  2. Mechanism of efficient generation of cavitation bubbles in a sonoplasma production system assisted by a punching metal plate: effect of power deposition
    Y. Iwata, S. Nishiyama, S. Tomioka, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    8th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Fukuoka, Japan, 2014

  3. Ablation process by nanosecond laser pulses in supercritical CO2 medium
    M. Goto, S. Machmudah, Wahyudiono, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    8th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Fukuoka, Japan, 2014

  4. LIF imaging of OH radicals and their collisional quenching in gas-liquid interface helium dc glow plasma
    H. Ishigame, S. Nishiyama, and K. Sasaki
    8th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Fukuoka, Japan, 2014

  5. Temporal variation of OH density in DBD-enhanced premixed flame measured by planer laser-induced fluorescence
    K. Zaima and K. Sasaki
    8th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Fukuoka, Japan, 2014

  6. A simple method for producing standing sonoplasmas
    K. Sasaki
    5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2014

  7. Synthesis of Ni nanoparticles by pulsed-laser ablation in supercritical CO2
    M. Mardis, N. Takada, Wahyudiono, S. Machmudh, K. Sasaki, and M. Goto
    5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2014

  8. Weighted denoising for phase unwrapping
    Satoshi Tomioka, Shusuke Nishiyama
    IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XII, San Francisco, California, USA, 2014

  9. LIF Imaging of Sodium Atoms in Atmospheric-Pressure Miniature Gas Flow DC Glow Discharge in Contact with Sodium Chloride Solution
    Shusuke Nishiyama, Hiroaki Ishigame, Koichi Sasaki
    5th International Conference on Plasma Medicine, Nara, Japan, 2014

  10. Application of Saturated Absorption Spectroscopy to Plasma Diagnostics
    Shusuke Nishiyama, Huimin Wang, Motoshi Goto, Koichi Sasaki
    22nd International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes, Tullahoma, Tennessee, USA, 2014

  11. Generation processes of nanoparticles in liquid-phase laser ablation: Insights obtained by in-situ diagnostics
    K. Sasaki
    3rd Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids, Matsuyama, Japan, 2014

  12. Relationship between optical emission and ambient density on laser ablation process in supercritical CO2
    N. Takada, M. Mardis, K. Sasaki and M. Goto
    3rd Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids, Matsuyama, Japan, 2014

  13. In-situ diagnostics of dense reaction field produced by liquid-phase laser ablation
    K. Sasaki
    6th International Workshop on Plasma Spectroscopy, Hoboken, USA, 2014

  14. Comparison of Cu, Zn, and Sn densities in magnetron sputtering plasmas employing Cu2ZnSnS4 and metal targets
    K. Sasaki and S. Kikuchi
    International Congress on Plasma Physics 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014

  15. Responses of OH (X2Π) and OH (A2Σ+) to the electrical current of dielectric barrier discharge in a plasma-assisted burner flame
    K. Zaima and K. Sasaki
    International Congress on Plasma Physics 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014

  16. OH radical density in atmospheric-pressure dc helium glow discharge in contact with NaCl solution
    K. Sasaki, H. Ishigame, and S. Nishiyama
    14th International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry, Zinnowitz, Germany, 2014

  17. Electron temperatures and electron densities in multi-atmospheric-pressure microwave helium discharges
    K. Sasaki, S. Soma, M. ElSabbagh, and Y. Ikeda
    14th International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry, Zinnowitz, Germany, 2014

  18. Optical emission in a sonoplasma production system with the help of a punching metal plate
    K. Sasaki, Y. Iwata, S. Tomioka, S. Nishiyama, and N. Takada
    67th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Raleigh, USA, 2014

  19. Comparison of sticking probabilities of metal atoms in magnetron sputtering deposition of CuZnSnS films
    K. Sasaki and S. Kikuchi
    67th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Raleigh, USA, 2014

  20. Electron density measurement of argon containing plasmas by saturation spectroscopy
    S. Nishiyama, H. Wang, and K. Sasaki
    67th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Raleigh, USA, 2014

  21. Measurement of gas temperature in negative hydrogen ion source by wavelength-modulated laser absorption spectroscopy
    S. Nishiyama, K. Sasaki, H. Nakano, M. Goto, M. Kisaki, and K. Tsumori
    67th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Raleigh, USA, 2014

  22. Diagnostics of an atmospheric-pressure dc glow plasma in contact with solution: Insight into plasma-liquid interaction
    K. Sasaki and F. Tochikubo
    AVS 61th International Symposium and Exhibition, Baltimore, USA, 2014

  23. Examination of nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation in liquid carbon dioxide
    M. Mardis, N. Takada, K. Sasaki, H. Kanda, and M. Goto
    24th International Toki Conference, Toki, Japan, 2014

  24. Sticking probability of sulfur atoms in magnetron sputtering CuZnSnS plasma
    N. Nafarizal and K. Sasaki
    36th International Symposium on Dry Process, Yokohama, Japan, 2014

  25. Efficiencies of reactive nitrogen species on nitriding of SiC surface by irradiation of remote nitrogen plasma
    M. Shimabayashi, K. Kurihara, and K. Sasaki
    36th International Symposium on Dry Process, Yokohama, Japan, 2014

  26. Hydrogen atom temperature measured with wavelength-modulated laser absorption spectroscopy in large scale filament arc negative hydrogen ion source
    H. Nakano, S. Nishiyama, M. Goto, K. Tsumori, M. Kisaki, K. Ikeda, K. Nagaoka, M. Osakabe, Y. Takeiri, O. Kaneko, and K. Sasaki
    4th International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources, Garching, Germany, 2014



  1. Introduction to advanced plasma diagnostics for material processing
    K. Sasaki
    5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials, Nagoya Japan, 2013

  2. Absolute O atom density measurement in surface wave plasma with a compact microwave plasma light source by vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy
    X. Chang, K. Sasaki, and M. Nagatsu
    5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials, Nagoya Japan, 2013

  3. Removal of water pollutants by pulsed discharge plasma and ovservation of optical emission intensity at atmospheric pressure
    Y. Hayashi, Wahyudiono, S. Machmudah, N. Takada, K. Sasaki, and M. Goto
    5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials, Nagoya Japan, 2013

  4. Observation of integrated optical emission intensity of pulsed laser ablation in supercritical CO2 medium
    S. Machmudah, Wahyudiono, N. Takada, K. Sasaki, and M. Goto
    5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials, Nagoya Japan, 2013

  5. Saturation spectroscopy and related phenomena in Balmer-α line of atomic hydrogen
    K. Sasaki, S. Nishiyama, and M. Goto
    10th Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Kerkrade, the Netherlands, 2013

  6. Measurement of molecular chlorine density in a metal chloride reduction chemical vapour deposition system by optical absorption spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki, K. Furuta, Y. Tomita, and H. Sakamoto
    XXXI International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Granada, Spain, 2013

  7. Diagnostics of a matrix ECR plasma with transversal magnetic filter produced at low pressure in nitrogen
    C. Irimiea, K. Sasaki, and E. Stamate
    16th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications, Bucharest, Romania, 2013

  8. Gas temperatures in high-pressure microwave plasmas for plasma-assisted combustion in automobile engines
    S. Soma, R. Tsuruoka, Y. Ikeda, and K. Sasaki
    XXXI International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Granada, Spain, 2013

  9. Determination of precursors for silicon surface nitridation using inductively-coupled nitrogen plasma
    K. Kurihara, Y. Horikawa, and K. Sasaki
    12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference of AAPPS, Makuhari, Japan, 2013

  10. Observation of plasma and cavitation bubble-like phenomena induced by laser ablation in supercritical carbon dioxide
    N. Takada, Wahyudiono, S. Machmudaha, K. Sasaki, and M. Goto
    12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference of AAPPS, Makuhari, Japan, 2013

  11. LIF imaging of OH radicals in atmospheric DC glow discharge using miniature gas flow and electrolyte cathode
    S. Nishiyama, H. Ishigame, T. Komori and K. Sasaki
    2013 JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia, Kyoto, Japan, 2013

  12. Effect of mirror size in the measurement of OH density by cavity-ringdown absorption spectroscopy in plasma-enhanced premixed burner flame
    K. Zaima, S. Tomioka, and K. Sasaki
    16th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Madison, USA, 2013

  13. Development of saturation spectroscopy for plasma diagnostics
    S. Nishiyama, M. Goto, and K. Sasaki
    16th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Madison, USA, 2013

  14. Two-dimensional laser-induced fluorescence of OH radicals in atmospheric-pressure dc helium plasmas in contact with NaCl solution
    K. Sasaki, H. Ishigame, and S. Nishiyama
    16th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Madison, USA, 2013

  15. Mechanism of efficient production of standing sonoplasmas with the help of a punching metal plate
    K. Sasaki, Y. Iwata, S. Tomioka, S. Nishiyama, and N. Takada
    66th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Princeton, USA, 2013

  16. Thomson scattering in high-pressure microwave plasmas for plasma-assisted combustion in automobile engines
    K. Sasaki, S. Soma, and Y. Ikeda
    66th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Princeton, USA, 2013

  17. Measurement of OH radical density in DBD-enhanced premixed burner flame by laser-induced fluorescence
    K. Zaima and K. Sasaki
    66th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Princeton, USA, 2013

  18. Estimation of homogeneous linewidth of the argon 4s[3/2]o2-4p[3/2]2 transition by saturation spectroscopy
    S. Nishiyama, M. Goto, and and K. Sasaki
    66th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Princeton, USA, 2013

  19. Dynamics of plasmas and cavitation bubble like phenomena observed in laser ablation in supercritical fluids
    K. Sasaki, N. Takada, H. Goto, and M. Goto
    12th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Ischia, Italy, 2013

  20. Synthesis of brookite-type TiO2 by laser irradiation onto a titanium plate in high-temperature, high-pressure water
    K. Sasaki, M. Takeuchi1, H. Goto, N. Takada, and N. Koshizaki
    12th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Ischia, Italy, 2013

  21. Diagnostics of magnetron sputtering deposition processes of Cu2ZnSnS4
    K. Sasaki
    EMN Fall Meeting, Orlando, USA, 2013


  1. Possibility of gas-phase quenching loss of N2(A3Σu+) in inductively-coupled nitrogen plasmas
    Y. Horikawa, T. Hayashi, and K. Sasaki
    8th EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing, Nara, Japan, 2012

  2. Diagnostics of magnetron sputtering plasmas: distributions of density and velocity of sputtered metal atoms
    K. Sasaki
    2012 Winter Meeting of Korean Vacuum Society, Bokwang Phoenixpark, Korea, 2012

  3. Structure control of ZnO nanoparticles by high pressure of ambient water in liquid-phase laser ablation
    K. Sasaki, W. Soliman, N. Takada, and N. Koshizaki
    5th International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Inuyama, Japan, 2012

  4. Saturated absorption spectra of Zeeman splitting Balmer-alpha line of atomic hydrogen
    S. Nishiyama, M. Goto, N. Sadeghi, and K. Sasaki
    5th International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Inuyama, Japan, 2012

  5. Observation of optical emission intensity from laser ablation plasma produced in supercritical water
    K. Sasaki, H. Goto, and N. Takada
    2nd Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids, Taormina, Italy, 2012

  6. Optical emission intensity of molecular hydrogen in a recombining hydrogen plasma
    K. Sasaki and R. Asakawa
    XXI Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 2012

  7. Formation of brookite-type TiO2 layer by irradiating laser pulses onto a titanium plate in high-temperature, high-pressure water
    K. Sasaki H. Goto, N. Takada, and N. Koshizaki
    8th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, Rochester, USA, 2012

  8. Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF)
    K. Sasaki
    Japan-Korea Seminar 2012 for Plasma Diagnostics, Jeju, Korea, 2012

  9. Synthesis of brookite-type TiO2 layer by laser ablation of a titanium plate in high-temperature, high-pressure water
    K. Sasaki, H. Goto, N. Takada, and N. Koshizaki
    International Union of Material Research Societies - International Conference on Electronic Materials, Yokohama, Japan, 2012

  10. Control of combustion chemistry with the help of nonequilibrium plasmas
    K. Sasaki
    11th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology, Kyoto, Japan, 2012

  11. Measurement of OH radical density in premixed burner flame with superposition of dielectric barrier discharge using cavity-ringdown absorption spectroscopy
    K. Zaima and K. Sasaki
    11th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology, Kyoto, Japan, 2012

  12. Transport characteristics of N2(A3Σu+) in a N2 remote plasma source
    Y. Horikawa, T. Hayashi, and K. Sasaki
    11th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology, Kyoto, Japan, 2012

  13. Metal atom densities in magnetron sputtering plasmas employing a Cu2ZnSnS4 target
    S. Kikuchi and K. Sasaki
    11th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology, Kyoto, Japan, 2012

  14. Measurement of absolute oxygen atom density in surface wave plasma with a compact microwave plasma vacuum ultraviolet light source
    X. J. Chang, A. Ogino, K. Sasaki, and M. Nagatsu
    11th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology, Kyoto, Japan, 2012

  15. An efficient method for producing standing sonoplasmas with the help of a metal mesh
    K. Sasaki, Y. Iwata, S. Nishiyama, S. Tomioka, and N. Takada
    65th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Austin, USA, 2012

  16. Time constants in the transition between equilibrium and nonequilibrium combustion states of premixed burner flame irradiated by pulsed microwave
    K. Sasaki and K. Shinohara
    65th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Austin, USA, 2012

  17. Fine structure of Balmer-α line of atomic hydrogen measured by saturation spectroscopya
    S. Nishiyama, M. Goto, and K. Sasaki
    65th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Austin, USA, 2012

  18. Measurement of OH radical density in dielectric barrier discharge enhanced premixed burner flame
    K. Zaima and K. Sasaki
    65th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Austin, USA, 2012

  19. Calibrated optical emission spectra of CO2 and H2/N2 plasmas in vacuum ultraviolet wavelength range
    K. Sasaki, S. Soma, and K. Kurihara
    34th International Symposium on Dry Process, Tokyo, Japan, 2012

  20. Nondestructive three-dimensional measurement of gas temperature distribution by phase tomography
    Satoshi Tomioka, Shusuke Nishiyama
    IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, Computational Imaging X, Burlingame, USA, 2012

  21. Phase Unwrapping Algorithm Based on Compensation for 3D Shape Measurement
    Samia Heshmat, Satoshi Tomioka, Shusuke Nishiyama
    The 1st International Laser Display Conference, Yokohama, Japan, 2012

  22. Rotational and direct compensation for digital hologram phase unwrapping
    Samia Heshmat, Satoshi Tomioka, Shusuke Nishiyama
    Speckle 2012, Vigo, Spain, 2012

  23. Investigation of phase unwrapping process for laser induced plasma interferometry Samia Heshmat, Satoshi Tomioka, Shusuke Nishiyama
    7th International Conference on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Luxor, Egypt, 2012


  1. Enhancement of burning velocity in premixed burner flame due to electron heating by microwave irradiation
    K. Sasaki, K. Shinohara, and N. Takada
    49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Orlando, USA, 2011

  2. Observations of plasmas and cavitation bubble-like phenomena induced by laser ablation in supercritical water
    H. Goto, N. Takada, A. Kono, and K. Sasaki
    4th International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Takayama, Japan, 2011

  3. Enhancement of burning velocity in premixed gas burner flame by the superposition of a dielectric barrier discharge
    K. Zaima, N. Takada, A. Kono, and K. Sasaki
    4th International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Takayama, Japan, 2011

  4. Conductive diamond-like carbon film prepared by magnetron sputtering
    K. Sasaki
    International Conference on Nanotechnology - Research and Commercialisation, Sabah, Malaysia, 2011

  5. Measurement of metastable N2(A3Σu+) density in inductively-coupled nitrogen plasma by cavity ringdown absorption spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki
    3rd International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology, Dalian, China 2011

  6. Characteristics of saturation spectroscopy at the Balmer-α line of atomic hydrogen in a linear magnetized plasma source
    K. Sasaki, R. Asakawa, M. Goto, and N. Sadeghi
    15th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Jeju, Korea, 2011

  7. Evaluation of absolute vacuum ultraviolet photon flux from a hydrogen plasma: comparison with ion flux
    K. Sasaki, K. Zaima, and K. Kurihara
    33rd International Symposium on Dry Process, Kyoto, Japan, 2011

  8. Effect of energetic electrons on combustion of premixed burner flame
    K. Sasaki
    64th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, 2011

  9. Doppler-free spectra of Balmer-α line of atomic hydrogen measured by saturation spectroscopy in a linear magnetized plasma source
    K. Sasaki, R. Asakawa, M. Goto, and N. Sadeghi
    64th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, 2011

  10. Effect of the superposition of a dielectric barrier discharge onto a premixed gas burner flame
    K. Zaima, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    64th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, 2011

  11. Modeling of electron behaviors under microwave electric field in methane and air pre-mixture gas plasma assisted combustion
    H. Akashi, K. Sasaki, and T. Yoshinaga
    64th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, 2011

  12. Effect of supersonic wave on the synthesis of nanoparticles in liquid-phase laser ablation
    N. Takada, A. Fujikawa, N. Koshizaki, and K. Sasaki
    11th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Playa del Carmen, Mexico, 2011

  13. Synthesis characteristics of ZnO nanoparticles by laser ablation in pressurized water
    W. Soliman, N. Takada, N. Koshizaki, and K. Sasaki
    11th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Playa del Carmen, Mexico, 2011


  1. Theoretical investigation on the dynamics of cavitation bubbles induced by liquid-phase laser ablation
    W. Soliman, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    1st International Workshop on Plasma Nano-interfaces, Nagasaki, Japan, 2010

  2. Saturation of the Balmer-α line of atomic hydrogen in diode laser absorption spectroscopy
    R. Asakawa, M. Goto, and K. Sasaki
    3rd International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2010

  3. Control of plasma and cavitation bubble in liquid-phase laser ablation by applying supersonic wave
    A. Fujikawa, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    3rd International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2010

  4. Measurements of molecular nitrogen densities in spark-plug assisted atmospheric-pressure microwave discharges using rotational Raman scattering
    M. ElSabbagh, S. Kado, M. Kaneko, Y. Ikeda, and Koichi Sasaki
    3rd International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2010

  5. Synthesis dynamics of nanoparticles produced by laser ablation of a solid target immersed in pressurized water
    W. Soliman, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    3rd International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2010

  6. Physical control of plasma and cavitation bubble in liquid-phase laser ablation
    K. Sasaki and N. Takada
    3rd International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2010

  7. Supersonic-wave driven, long-time repetition of formation and collapse of cavitation bubbles in liquid-phase laser ablation
    K. Sasaki, A. Fujikawa, and N. Takada
    1st International Workshop on Plasmas with Liquids, Matsuyama, Japan, 2010

  8. Control of nanopartcles' size by pressurizing ambient water in liquid-phase laser ablation
    W. Soliman, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids 2010, Engelberg, Switzerland, 2010

  9. Modeling of electron transport parameters in methane and air mixture gas
    H. Akashi and K. Sasaki
    Joint 63rd Gaseous Electronics Conference and 7th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Paris, France, 2010

  10. Estimations of electron temperature and electron density in argon-based reactive plasmas based on diode laser absorption spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki and R. Asaoka
    Joint 63rd Gaseous Electronics Conference and 7th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Paris, France, 2010

  11. Kinetics of A3Σu+ state of molecular nitrogen in inductively-coupled nitrogen plasmas
    Y. Horikawa, K. Kurihara, and K. Sasaki
    Joint 63rd Gaseous Electronics Conference and 7th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Paris, France, 2010

  12. Spatiotemporal evolutions of gas density and gas temperature in spark-plug assisted atmospheric-pressure microwave discharges
    M. ElSabbagh, S. Kado, M. Kaneko, Y. Ikeda, and K. Sasaki
    Joint 63rd Gaseous Electronics Conference and 7th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Paris, France, 2010

  13. Magnetron sputtering deposition of conductive diamond-like carbon films with embedded nanoparticles
    K. Sasaki, T. Tsutsumi, N. Takada, and N. Nafarizal
    32nd International Symposium on Dry Process, Tokyo, Japan, 2010

  14. Effect of water pressure on the size of nanoparticles in liquid-phase laser ablation
    W. Soliman, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    IEEE Region 10 Conference 2010, Fukuoka, Japan, 2010


  1. Laser aided diagnostics of atoms, ions and particulates in high pressure magnetron sputtering plasmas
    N. Nafarizal, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    3rd International Meeting on Frontiers of Physics (IMFP), Awana Genting Highlands, Malaysia, 2009

  2. Mechanism of sputter deposition process employing a Si target and H2/Ar Gas mixture
    K. Fukaya, A. Tabata, and K. Sasaki
    2nd International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2009

  3. Measurements of ion energy and active-species fluxes in ICP N2 Plasmas
    Y. Horikawa, K. Kurihara, and K. Sasaki
    2nd International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2009

  4. Rotational and vibrational temperatures of spark-plug assisted atmospheric pressure microwave discharges operated with He and N2
    M. A. M. ElSabbagh, K. Sasaki, M. Kaneko, and Y. Ikeda
    2nd International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2009

  5. Irradiation of microwave to premixed gas burner flame
    K. Shinohara, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    2nd International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2009

  6. Synthesis dynamics of nanoparticles produced by laser ablation of a solid target immersed in water
    W. Soliman, T. Nakano, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    2nd International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2009

  7. Kinetics of metal atoms produced in magnetron sputtering plasmas
    K. Sasaki
    8th Workshop on Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Blansko, Czech Republic, 2009

  8. Deposition of microcrystalline silicon films by magnetron sputtering: deposition mechanism explored with laser-aided diagnostics
    K. Sasaki
    7th EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing, Liblice, Czech Republic, 2009

  9. Anomalous ionization of metal atoms in high-pressure magnetron sputtering discharges
    K. Sasaki
    Seminar at RISO, Riso National Laboratory, Denmark, 2009

  10. Liquid-phase laser ablation plasmas and their applications
    K. Sasaki
    17th International Colloquim on Plasma Processes, Marseille, France, 2009

  11. Dynamic formation mechanism of nanoparticles produced by laser ablation of a solid target immersed in water
    W. Soliman, T. Nakano, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    5th International Congress on Laser Advanced Material Processing, Kobe, Japan, 2009

  12. Production and transport of carbon nanoparticles in high-pressure magnetron sputtering plasmas employing a graphite target
    T. Tsutsumi, N. Takada, N. Nafarizal, and K. Sasaki
    10th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, Kanazawa, Japan, 2009

  13. Temporal variations of radiative Ti, Ti+ and Ar densities in pulsed-modulated rf magnetron sputtering plasmas
    N. Nafarizal, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    19th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Bochum, Germany, 2009

  14. Liquid-phase laser ablation
    K. Sasaki
    19th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Bochum, Germany, 2009

  15. Comparison between Ti atoms, Ti+ ions and Ar at metastable state densities in magnetron sputtering plasma
    N. Nafarizal and K. Sasaki
    IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nano Electronics, Kota Bharu, Malaysia, 2009

  16. Diagnostics of inductively-coupled nitrogen plasmas by laser-induced fluorescence, cavity-ringdown absorption spectroscopy, and vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki, Y. Horikawa, and K. Kurihara
    14th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Treviso, Itary, 2009

  17. Determination of precursors for nitriding silicon surface using inductively-coupled nitrogen plasma
    Y. Horikawa, K. Kurihara, and K. Sasaki
    31st International Symposium on Dry Process, Busan, Korea, 2009

  18. Reduction of fluorinated Al2O3 by irradiating H2 and O2 plasmas
    K. Miwa, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    31st International Symposium on Dry Process, Busan, Korea, 2009

  19. Deposition of a carbon nanocomposite film using magnetron sputtering
    T. Tsutsumi, N. Takada, N. Nafarizal, and K. Sasaki
    31st International Symposium on Dry Process, Busan, Korea, 2009

  20. Enhancement of burning velocity in premixed gas burner flame by irradiating microwave power
    K. Shinohara, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    7th International Workshop on Microwave Discharges: Fundamentals and Applications, Hamana-lake, Japan, 2009

  21. An environmental applications of plasmas: Plasma-assisted combustion
    K. Sasaki
    Third Workshop and Training Program in Low Cost of Plasma Technology Applications in Industry, Environment and Medicine, Cairo, Egypt, 2009

  22. Formation of etch pits on target surface of liquid-phase laser ablation
    N. Takada, T. Nakano, W. Soliman, and K. Sasaki
    10th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Singapore, 2009

  23. Evolution of nanoparticlesb during the life cycle of cavitation bubble indiced by laser ablation of a Ti target immersed in water
    W. Soliman, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    10th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Singapore, 2009

  24. Observation of laser-ablation phenomena in pressurized water, hetaed water, and supercritical water
    T. Nakano, N. Takada, W. Soliman, and K. Sasaki
    10th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Singapore, 2009

  25. Synthesis of nanoparticles by magnetron sputtering and its application to the formation of a carbon nanocomposite film
    K. Sasaki
    International Conference on Nanotechnology, Langkawi Island, Malaysia, 2009

  26. Laser light scattering measurement of particulates in high pressure magnetron sputtering plasmas
    N. Nafarizal, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    International Conference on Nanotechnology, Langkawi Island, Malaysia, 2009

  27. Improvement of Scintillation Characteristics of FZ Growth Ce:GPS Crystals by Annealing in Air
    Shusuke Nishiyama, Sohan Kawamura, Junichi H. Kaneko, Mikio Higuchi, Shunsuke Ueda, Kazuhisa Kurashige, Hiroyuki Ishibashi, Fumiyuki Fujita, Akira Homma, Michihiro Furusaka
    The Fifth International Symposium on Radiation Safety and Detection Technology ISORD-5 Abstracts, 205, Kita-kyushu, Japan, 2009

  28. Luminescence properties and Crystal structures of Pr-doped gadolinium pyrosilicate
    Youichi Tsubota, Junichi H. Kaneko, Mikio Higuchi, Sohan Kawamura, Shusuke Nishiyama, Fumiyuki Fujita, Shunsuke Ueda, Kazuhisa Kurashige, Hiroyuki Ishibashi, Akira Homma, Michihiro Furusaka
    The Fifth International Symposium on Radiation Safety and Detection Technology ISORD-5 Abstracts, 208, Kita-kyushu, Japan, 2009


  1. Enhancement of crystal growth in Si thin film deposition by H radical-assisted magnetron sputtering
    K. Fukaya, A. Tabata, and K. Sasaki
    1st International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2008

  2. Observation of laser-ablation dynamics in pressurized water by shadowgraph imaging
    T. Nakano, N. Takada, W. Solimanm, and K. Sasaki
    1st International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2008

  3. Numerical investigation of cavitation bubbles induced by laser ablation in pressurized water
    W. Solimanm, T. Nakano, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    1st International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2008

  4. Spatial distributions of size and density of Cu particulates in magnetron sputtering plasmas measured by two-wavelength laser light scattering technique
    N. Nafarizal, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    1st International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2008

  5. Differences in Al2O3 and Y2O3 surfaces irradiated by high-density CF4/O2 and SF6/O2 plasmas
    K. Miwa, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    1st International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2008

  6. Density Measurements of N Atoms and Metastable N2 Molecules in ICP N2 Plasmas
    Y. Horikawa, K. Kurihara, and K. Sasaki
    1st International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, 2008

  7. Mass spectroscopic analysis of carbon cluster ions synthesized by laser ablation in vacuum
    K. Shibagaki and K. Sasaki
    Workshop on Basic Aspects of Nanocluster Formation by Laser Ablation Processes, Nagoya, Japan, 2008

  8. Cluster formation and dynamics in laser ablation processes in liquids
    N. Takada and K. Sasaki
    Workshop on Basic Aspects of Nanocluster Formation by Laser Ablation Processes, Nagoya, Japan, 2008

  9. Experimental study on cluster formation processes in laser-produced carbon vapor
    K. Sasaki
    Workshop on Basic Aspects of Nanocluster Formation by Laser Ablation Processes, Nagoya, Japan, 2008

  10. Laser ablation -Alternative plasma for material synthesis-
    K. Sasaki
    International workshop on merging state-of-the-art plasma science into novel technologies, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2008

  11. Optical emission spectrum from molecular hydrogen in a high-density recombining hydrogen plasma
    K. Sasaki, R. Asakawa, K. Shibagaki, and D. Hayashi
    19th Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionised Gases, Granada, Spain, 2008

  12. Detection of energetic metastable oxygen atoms in absorption line profile of the 5So2-5P1 transition
    K. Sasaki, R. Asaoka, and Y. Okumura
    19th Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionised Gases, Granada, Spain, 2008

  13. Enhancement of crystal growth in μc-Si:H thin film deposition by H radical-assisted magnetron sputtering
    K. Fukaya, A. Tabata, and K. Sasaki
    1st International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology, Jeju, Korea, 2008

  14. Density measurements of metastable N2 molecules and N atoms in ICP N2 plasmas
    Y. Horikawa, K. Kurihara, and K. Sasaki
    International Congress on Plasma Physics 2008, Fukuoka, Japan, 2008

  15. Spectroscopic studies of spark-plug assisted atmospheric-pressure microwave discharge
    M. A. M. ElSabbagh, K. Sasaki, M. Kaneko, and Y. Ikeda
    International Congress on Plasma Physics 2008, Fukuoka, Japan, 2008

  16. Diagnostics of high-density, low-temperature recombining hydrogen plasmas produced by helicon-wave discharges
    K. Shibagaki, R. Asakawa, and K. Sasaki
    International Congress on Plasma Physics 2008, Fukuoka, Japan, 2008

  17. Dynamics of cavitation bubbles induced by laser-ablation in water
    T. Nakano, W. Soliman, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    6th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, Sapporo, Japan, 2008

  18. Influence of additional external pressure upon optical emission in liquid-phase laser ablation
    N. Takada, T. Nakano, W. Soliman, and K. Sasaki
    6th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, Sapporo, Japan, 2008

  19. Theoretical prediction of collapsed pressures of cavitation bubbles induced by laser ablation in pressurized water
    W. Soliman, T. Nakano, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    6th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, Sapporo, Japan, 2008

  20. N2(A3Σ+u) density in ICP N2 plasmas measured by diode laser cavity-ringdown absorption spectroscopy
    Y. Horikawa, K. Kurihara, and K. Sasaki
    61st Gaseous Electronics Conference, Dallas, USA, 2008

  21. Spatial distributions of the size and the density of Cu particulates in high-pressure magnetron sputtering plasmas
    N. Nafarizal, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    61st Gaseous Electronics Conference, Dallas, USA, 2008

  22. Fluorination mechanisms of Al2O3 and Y2O3 surfaces by irradiations of high density CF4/O2 and SF6/O2 plasmas
    K. Miwa, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    AVS 55th International Symposium and Exhibition, Boston, USA, 2008

  23. Enhancement of crystal growth in μc-Si:H thin film deposition by H radical-assisted magnetron sputtering and the plasma diagnostics
    K. Fukaya, K. Sasaki, A. Tabata, and N. Knake
    AVS 55th International Symposium and Exhibition, Boston, USA, 2008

  24. Fluorination of Al2O3 and Y2O3 surfaces by irradiating high-flux CF4/O2 and SF6/O2 plasmas
    K. Miwa, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    30th International Symposium on Dry Process, Tokyo, Japan, 2008

  25. Enhancement of surface modification in liquid-phase laser ablation process: effect of additional laser-induced plasma
    N. Takada, T. Nakano, W. Soliman, K. Shibagaki and K. Sasaki
    The IUMRS International Conference in Asia 2008, Nagoya, Japan, 2008

  26. Cu nanoparticles produced in high-pressure magnetron sputtering plasmas
    N. Nafarizal and K. Sasaki
    NANO-SciTech 2008, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 2008


  1. Laser-aided diagnostics of ionization processes of Ti atoms in high-pressure magnetron sputtering plasmas
    N. Nafarizal, N. Takada, K. Nakamura, M. Ikeda, Y. Sago, and K. Sasaki
    Proc. 9th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processing, Kanazawa, Japan, 2007

  2. Crystal growth of YBaCuO thin films by magnetron sputtering and the plasma diagnostics
    K. Fukaya, K. Sasaki, J. Gao, T. Kimura, M. Watanabe, M. Inoue, A. Fujimaki, and H. Sugai
    Proc. 9th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processing, Kanazawa, Japan, 2007

  3. Are sputtering products from metal targets really monatomic?
    K. Sasaki, N. Nafarizal, J.-S. Gao, and K. Shibagaki
    Proc. 9th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processing, Kanazawa, Japan, 2007

  4. Temperatures of H(n=2) and D(n=2) in H2, D2, and H2/D2 mixture plasmas excited by helicon-wave discharges
    K. Sasaki and Y. Okumura
    Proc. XXVIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007

  5. Spatial and temporal distributions of argon metastable atom densities in high-pressure magnetron sputtering plasmas
    N. Nafarizal, N. Takada, K. Nakamura, Y. Sago, and K. Sasaki
    Proc. XXVIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007

  6. Development of compact optical emission spectroscopy system for nitrogen atom density measurement
    K. Kurihara and K. Sasaki
    Proc. XXVIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007

  7. Comparison of the ionization efficiency of Ti in magnetron sputtering plasmas with various discharge gases
    Nafarizal, N. Takada, K. Nakamura, M. Ikeda, Y. Sago, and K. Sasaki
    Abstracts and Full-Papers CD 18th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan, 2007

  8. Kinetics and transport of Cu and CuCl in Cu film deposition by metal chloride reduction plasma CVD
    K. Furuta, Y. Tomita, H. Sakamoto, and K. Sasaki
    Abstracts and Full-Papers CD 18th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan, 2007

  9. Measurement of negative ion densities in high-density recombining hydrogen plasmas
    K. Shibagaki, T. Hirasawa, and K. Sasaki
    Abstracts and Full-Papers CD 18th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan, 2007

  10. Diagnostics of high-density hydrogen plasmas by diode laser absorption spectroscopy: temperature and density of the n=2 state
    K. Sasaki, Y. Okumura, M. Aramaki, M. Goto, S. Muto, and S. Morita
    Proc. 13th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Takayama, Japan, 2007

  11. Estimations of electron temperature and electron density in plasmas based on diode laser absorption spectroscopy
    R. Asaoka, N. Nafarizal, and K. Sasaki
    Proc. 13th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Takayama, Japan, 2007

  12. Enhancement of optical emission intensity from laser-ablation plasmas in water by adding external pressure
    N. Takada and K. Sasaki
    Proc. 9th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Tenerife, Spain, 2007

  13. Synthesis of crystalline TiN and Si particles by laser ablation in liquid nitrogen
    N. Takada, T. Sasaki, and K. Sasaki
    Proc. 9th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Tenerife, Spain, 2007

  14. Temporal and spatial variations of electron density and blackbody temperature in the initial phase of laser ablation BN plasma
    K. Sasaki, S. Yasuda, and K. Sasaki
    Proc. 9th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Tenerife, Spain, 2007

  15. Effect of hydrogen radicals in magnetron sputtering deposition of hydrogenated microcrysralline silicon thin films
    K. Fukaya1, K. Sasaki, A. Tabata, H. Toyoda, and H. Sugai
    Proc. 6th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Nagasaki, Japan, 2007

  16. Spatial and temporal variations of Ti, TiM and Ti+ densities in pulse-modulated rf magnetron sputtering plasmas
    N. Nafarizal, N. Takada, K. Nakamura1, M. Ikeda, Y. Sago, and K. Sasaki
    Proc. 6th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Nagasaki, Japan, 2007

  17. Laser-aided diagnostics of reactive plasmas for better understanding of material processing
    K. Sasaki
    Abstracts 60th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Arlington, USA, 2007

  18. Spatial distributions of Cu particulates in high--pressure magnetron sputtering plasmas studied by laser light scattering
    N. Nafarixal, N. Takada, K. Sasaki, M. Ikeda, and Y. Sago, Abstracts 60th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Arlington, USA, 2007

  19. Laser-based diagnostics of magnetron sputtering processes
    K. Sasaki
    12th European Summer School "Low Temperature Plasma Physics: Basics and Applications" and "Master Class: Physics and Technology of Plasma-enhanced PVD Methods", Bad Honnef, Germany, 2007

  20. Comparison between film characteristics and gas-phase diagnostics in magnetron sputtering deposition of superconducting YBaCuO
    K. Fukaya, K. Sasaki, J. Gao, K. Kimura, W. Watanabe, M. Inoue, A. Fujimaki, and H. Sugai
    Abstract AVS 54th International Symposium and Exhibition, Seattle, USA, 2007

  21. Irradiation of a high-density CF4/O2 plasma onto Al2O3 and Y2O3 surfaces
    K. Miwa, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    29th International Symposium on Dry Processes, Tokyo, Japan, 2007

  22. Production and transport of Cu and CuCl radicals in Cu film deposition by metal chloride reduction plasma CVD
    K. Sasaki, K. Furuta, Y. Tomita, and H. Sakamoto
    29th International Symposium on Dry Processes, Tokyo, Japan, 2007

  23. Explicit Time Domain Boundary Element Scheme for Dispersion-free Wake Field Calculation of long Accelerator Structures
    K. Fujita, R. Hampel, W. F. O. Muller, T. Weiland, H. Kawaguchi, S. Tomioka, T. Enoto
    Proc. of the 22nd Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC2007), 3330-3332, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2007

  24. Time domain boundary element scheme for 3D wake field simulations
    K. Fujita, H. Kawaguchi, S. Tomioka
    Darmstadt University of Technology, TEMF seminar "Advances in Electromagnetic Research", 36, Kleinwalsertal, Austria, 2007

  25. Scintillation characteistics of (Gd1-x,Cex)2Si2O7 (x=0.025-0.25) single crystals fabricated by floating zone method
    S. Kawamura, J. H. Kaneko, M. Higuchi, J. Haruna, S. Saeki, F. Fujita, A. Homma, S. Nishiyama, S. Ueda, K. Kurashige, H. Ishibashi, M. Furusaka
    2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2 , 1365-1367, Honolulu, USA, 2007

  26. Dependence of crystal structure and luminescence property of Gd2Si2O7 on cerium concentration
    S. Saeki, J. H. Kaneko, M. Higuchi, S. Kawamura, J. Haruna, F. Fujita, A. Homma, S. Nishiyama, S. Ueda, K. Kurashige, H. Ishibashi, M. Furusaka
    2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2 , 1426-1428, Honolulu, USA, 2007

  27. Microstructural image of dry and water-saturated compacted bentonite samples observed with X-ray micro CT
    Satoshi Tomioka, Tamotsu Kozaki, Hidenori Takamatsu, Natsuko Noda, Shusuke Nisiyama, Naofumi Kozai, Satoru Suzuki, Seichi Sato
    Workshop on long-term performance of smectitic clays embedding canisters with highly radioactive waste, 179-192, Lund, Sweden, 2007


  1. Temporal variations of the distributions of NO and NO2 densities in streamer corona discharges
    K. Sasaki, H. Kurakane, and M. Aramaki
    6th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 23rd Symposium on Plasma Processing, Matsushima, Japan, 2006

  2. Sticking probability of Ti atoms in magnetron sputtering plasmas evaluated from the precise measurement of the density distribution
    N. Nafarizal and K. Sasaki
    6th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 23rd Symposium on Plasma Processing, Matsushima, Japan, 2006

  3. Dependence of GMR in Co/Cu multilayers on sputtering conditions
    C. C. Chen, Y. Suzuki, T. Kato, S. Iwata, S. Tsunashima, K. Shibagaki, J. S. Gao, H. Toyoda, K. Sasaki, and H. Sugai
    6th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 23rd Symposium on Plasma Processing, Matsushima, Japan, 2006

  4. Measurement of electron density and temperature in recombining hydrogen plasmas by optical emission spectroscopy
    K. Shibagaki and K. Sasaki
    6th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 23rd Symposium on Plasma Processing, Matsushima, Japan, 2006

  5. Estimation of electrical density and blackbody temperature of laser-ablation BN plasmas by optical emission spectroscopy
    S. Yasuda, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    6th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 23rd Symposium on Plasma Processing, Matsushima, Japan, 2006

  6. Temporal variations of the Cu atom density in magnetron sputtering plasmas using a YBaCuO target and pure Ar or Ar/O2 mixture
    J. S. Gao, N. Nafarizal, K. Sasaki, H. Toyoda, M. Inoue, A. Fujimaki, S. Iwata, and H. Sugai
    6th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 23rd Symposium on Plasma Processing, Matsushima, Japan, 2006

  7. Analysis of particles produced by laser ablation in liquid nitrogen
    N. Takada, H. Ushida, and K. Sasaki
    6th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 23rd Symposium on Plasma Processing, Matsushima, Japan, 2006

  8. Measurements of absolute densities and emission intensities of species ejected from a YBaCuO target in MSP
    J. S. Gao, K. Sasaki, H. Toyoda, A. Fujimaki, S. Iwata, and H. Sugai
    2nd International COE Forum on Plasma Science and Technology, Potsdam, Germany, 2006

  9. Surface loss coefficient of sputtered Ti atoms on planar substrate investigated by laser-induced fluorescence technique
    N. Nafarizal and K. Sasaki
    2nd International COE Forum on Plasma Science and Technology, Potsdam, Germany, 2006

  10. Distributions of radical densities in rf magnetron sputtering plasmas with a Si target and Ar-H2 mixture gas
    K. Fukaya, K. Sasaki, J. Gao, A. Tabata, H. Toyoda, S. Iwata, and H. Sugai
    2nd International COE Forum on Plasma Science and Technology, Potsdam, Germany, 2006

  11. Development of spectroscopic plasma monitoring techniques
    K. Sasaki and R. Asakura
    2nd International COE Forum on Plasma Science and Technology, Potsdam, Germany, 2006

  12. Distributions of B and BN densities in laser-ablation BN plasmas studied by laser-induced fluorescence imaging spectroscopy
    S. Yasuda, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    4th International Congress on Laser Advanced Material Processing, Kyoto, Japan, 2006

  13. Gas temperature and gas-heating power in high-density helicon-wave H2 plasmas
    K. Sasaki, Y. Okumura, and M. Aramaki
    18th Europhysics Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionised Gases, Lecce, Italy, 2006

  14. Measurement of absolute density of metastable Cu atoms in magnetron sputtering plasma using LIF method
    J. S. Gao, K. Sasaki, H. Toyoda, S. Iwata and H. Sugai
    18th Europhysics Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionised Gases, Lecce, Italy, 2006

  15. Experimental evaluation of sticking probability of titanium atoms in magnetron sputtering deposition
    N. Nafarizal and K. Sasaki
    18th Europhysics Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionised Gases, Lecce, Italy, 2006

  16. Measurements of OH radical density in N2/O2/H2O streamer corona discharges by laser-induced fluorescence imaging spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki, T. Yoshida, and N. Takada
    10th International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry, Saga, Japan, 2006

  17. Production of carbonaceous particulates by interaction between a graphite plate and high-density hydrogen plasmas
    K. Sasaki, T. Maeda, N. Takada, M. Aramaki, and K. Shibagaki
    Abstracts of 59th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Columbus, USA, 2006

  18. Estimation of N atom density in a nitrogen radical source for GaN growth by optical emission spectroscopy -comparison with appearance mass spectrometry-
    K. Sasaki, J. Osaka, H. Kanai, T. Ishijima, H. Toyoda, H. Sugai, and N. Sadeghi
    Abstracts of 59th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Columbus, USA, 2006

  19. Measurements of Cu densities at the ground and metastable states in a magnetron sputtering plasma source with a Cu target
    K. Sasaki, J.-S. Gao, N. Nafarizal, H. Toyoda, S. Iwata, T. Kato, S. Tsunashima, and H. Sugai
    AVS 53rd International Symposium, San Francisco, USA, 2006

  20. Evaluation of sticking probability of Ti atoms in sputtering deposition
    N. Nafarizal and K. Sasaki
    AVS 53rd International Symposium, San Francisco, USA, 2006

  21. Laser-induced fluorescence measurement of Cu atom density in Cu film deposition by metal chloride reduction plasma CVD
    N. Oyama, K. Furuta, N. Yahata, Y. Tomita, H. Sakamoto, and K. Sasaki
    Abstracts of 28th International Symposium on Dry Process, Nagoya, Japan, 2006

  22. Design study of dedicated computer system for wake field analysis with time domain boundary element method
    Kazuhiro Fujita,Hideki Kawaguchi,Takeaki Enoto
    Proc. of the Tenth European Particle Accelerator Conference in Scotland, 2233-2235, Edinburgh, 2006

  23. Development of numerical code for self-consistent wake field analysis with curved trajectory electron bunches
    Hideki Kawaguchi, Kazuhiro Fujita
    Proc. of the Tenth European Particle Accelerator Conference in Scotland, 2230-2232, Edinburgh, 2006

  24. Floating Zone Growth and Scintillation Characteristics of Cerium-Doped GAdolinium Pyrosilicate Single Crystals
    S. Kawamura, J. H. Kaneko, M. Higuchi, T. Yamaguchi, J. Haruna, Y. Yagi, K. Susa, F. Fujita, A. Homma, S. Nishiyama, H. Ishibashi ,K. Kurashige, M. Furusaka
    2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2, 1160-1163, San Diego, USA, 2006


  1. Diagnostics of ionized sputtering plasmas by two-dimensional laser-induced fluorescence
    N. Nafarizal, N. Takada, J. S. Gao, K. Nakamura, Y. Sago, and K. Sasaki
    Proc. 8th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processing, Kanazawa, Japan, 2005

  2. Efficient ionization of copper atoms and anisotropic deposition in trench employing argon-based sputtering plasma
    K. Nakamura, H. Kadota, N. Nafarizal, K. Sasaki, and T. Yoshida
    Proc. 8th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processing, Kanazawa, Japan, 2005

  3. Two dimensional measurement of the uniformity of sputtered Cu atom density in magnetron sputtering plasmas
    J. Gao, N. Nafarizal, K. Shibagaki, K. Sasaki, H. Toyoda, S. Iwata, T. Kato, S. Tsunashima, and H. Sugai
    Proc. 8th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processing, Kanazawa, Japan, 2005

  4. Velocity distribution function, average velocity, and effective temperature of Fe atoms sputtered by magnetron plasma
    K. Sasaki, K. Shibagaki, H. Toyoda, S. Iwata, T. Kato, S. Tsunashima, and H. Sugai
    Abstracts of 27th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2005

  5. Diagnostics of high-density hydrogen plasmas interacting with a graphite plate by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki, T. Maeda, M. Aramaki, M. Goto, S. Muto, and S. Morita
    Abstracts of 27th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2005

  6. Validity of nitrogen atom density measured by optical emission spectroscopy in comparison with a laser-induced fluorescence technique
    K. Kurihara and K. Sasaki
    Abstracts of 27th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2005

  7. Enhancement of ionization efficiency by high-pressure discharge of a conventional magnetron sputtering plasma source
    N. Nafarizal, N. Takada, K. Nakamura, Y. Sago and K. Sasaki
    Abstracts of 27th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2005

  8. Reaction between laser ablation plume and ambient gas studied by laser-induced fluorescence imaging spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki and H. Watarai
    Abstracts of 8th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Banff, Canada, 2005

  9. Visualization of the temporal variation of C2 temperature in laser ablation plumes produced from a graphite target
    K. Sasaki and S. Aoki
    Abstracts of 8th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Banff, Canada, 2005

  10. Diagnostics of liquid-phase laser ablation plasmas by spectroscopic methods
    H. Usida, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    Abstracts of 8th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Banff, Canada, 2005

  11. Nitridation of Titanium Surface by the Irradiation of YAG Laser Pulses in N2/O2 Gas Mixture and Liquid Nitrogen
    N. Takada, H. Ushida, and K. Sasaki
    Abstracts of 8th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Banff, Canada, 2005

  12. Laser-aided imaging spectroscopy of physical vapor deposition plasmas
    K. Sasaki
    "Deutschland in Japan Jahr" Plasma Science and Technology Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, 2005

  13. Development of a measurement method for sheath electric field by laser-induced fluorescence-dip spectroscopy using a diode laser as the light source
    N. Asano, K. Sasaki
    "Deutschland in Japan Jahr" Plasma Science and Technology Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, 2005

  14. Effects of the gas pressure and the distance between the target and the substance to the deposition profiles in fine-patterns by ionized sputtering technique
    N. Nafarizal, N. Takada, K. Sasaki, K. Nakamura, Y. Sago
    "Deutschland in Japan Jahr" Plasma Science and Technology Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, 2005

  15. Diagnostics of laser-ablation BN plasmas by optical emission spectroscopy
    S. Yasuda, N. Takada, K. Sasaki
    "Deutschland in Japan Jahr" Plasma Science and Technology Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, 2005

  16. Visualized Diagnostics of Density and Velocity Distributions of Metalic Atoms and Ions in Magnetron Sputtering Plasmas
    K. Sasaki
    Abstracts of 12th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Snowbird, USA , 2005

  17. LIF Measurement of Time-Dependent Spatial Density Distribution of Cu Atoms Ejected from a YBaCuO Target in Magnetron~Sputtering Plasmas
    J. Gao, N. Nafarizal, K. Sasaki, H. Toyoda, M. Inoue, A. Fujimaki, S. Iwata, H. Sugai
    Abstracts of 58th Gaseous Electronics Conference, San Jose, USA, 2005

  18. Conformal Deposition of Ti Films in Fine-Patterns Using a High-Pressure Magnetron Sputtering Plasma Source
    N. Nafarizal, N. Takada, K. Nakamura, Y. Sago, and K. Sasaki
    Abstracts of 27th International Symposium on Dry Process, Jeju, Korea, 2005

  19. Independent Control of Backscattering Energy and Sputter Rate in a VHF-DC Superimposed Magnetron Source
    H. Toyoda, Y. Sakashita, Y. Takagi, K. Sasaki, J. Gao, T. Kato, S. Iwata, S. Tsunashima, H. Sugai
    Abstracts of AVS 52nd International Symposium and Exhibition, Boston, USA, 2005

  20. Diagnostics, physics, and applications of high-pressure magnetron sputtering discharges
    K. Sasaki
    Abstracts of 7th Australia/Japan Workshop on Plasma Diagnostics, Toki, Japan, 2005

  21. Dependence of GMR in Co/Cu multilayers on sputtering conditions
    C. C. Chen, Y. Sakashita, Y. Sizuki, T. Kato, S. Iwata, S. Tsunashima, H. Toyoda, K. Sasaki, and H. Sugai
    Extended Abstracts of International COE Workshop on Nano Processes and Devices, and their Applications, Nagoya, Japan, 2005

  22. Time-dependence of Cu atom density in magnetron sputtering plasma using a YBaCuO target
    J. Gao, N. Nafarizal, K. Sasaki, H. Toyoda, M. Inoue, A. Fujimaki, S. Iwata, and H. Sugai
    Extended Abstracts of International COE Workshop on Nano Processes and Devices, and their Applications, Nagoya, Japan, 2005

  23. Microstructure of the compacted bentonite observed by micro-CT method with a computer graphics
    Satoshi TOMIOKA, Tamotsu KOZAKI, Naofumi KOZAI, Satoru SUZUKI, Takeaki ENOTO, Seichi SATO
    International workshop on waste management in Sapporo, 51-52, Sapporo, Japan, 2005

  24. Infrared phase-shifting interferometer using the nitroanisole as a two-dimensional detector
    Naoki Miyamoto, Shusuke Nisiyama, Satoshi Tomioka, Takeaki Enoto
    Optomechatronic Sensors and Instrumentation, Sapporo, Japan, 2005


  1. Ionization of sputtered metal atoms in inductively-coupled plasmas
    K. Nakamura, K. Sasaki and T. Yoshida
    Proc. International Workshop on Plasma Nano-Technology and Its Future Vision, Takayama, Japan, 2004

  2. Production of carbon clusters by laser ablation in vacuum
    K. Sasaki K. Shibagaki, and Y. Kamiya
    Proc. International Workshop on Plasma Nano-Technology and Its Future Vision, Takayama, Japan, 2004

  3. Visualization of density and velocity distributions of atoms in dc magnetron sputtering plasmas by laser-induced fluorescence imaging spectroscopy
    K. Shibagaki, N. Nafarizal, K. Sasaki, H. Toyoda, T. Kato, S. Iwata, S. Tsunashima, and H. Sugai
    Proc. International COE Forum on Plasma Science and Technology, Nagoya, Japan, 2004

  4. Observation of optical emissions and compressional waves induced by laser ablation in liquids
    H. Ushida, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    Proc. International COE Forum on Plasma Science and Technology, Nagoya, Japan, 2004

  5. Mass spectromertic measurement of energetic ions and neutrals in magnetron plasmas for magnetic film deposition
    H. Toyoda, H. Matsui, K. Shibagaki, K. Sasaki, T. Kato, S. Iwata, S. Tsunashima, and H. Sugai
    Proc. International COE Forum on Plasma Science and Technology, Nagoya, Japan, 2004

  6. Density distributions of titanium atoms and titanium ions measured by laser-induced fluorescence in magnetron plasmas
    N. Nafarizal, K. Shibagaki, N. Takada, K. Sasaki, K. Nakamura, and T. Yoshida
    Proc. International COE Forum on Plasma Science and Technology, Nagoya, Japan, 2004

  7. Development of laser-induced fluorescence-dip spectroscopy of argon for sensitive measurements of electric field in reactive plasmas
    K. Sasaki, K. Takizawa, and A. Kono
    Proc. International COE Forum on Plasma Science and Technology, Nagoya, Japan, 2004

  8. Spatio-temporal distributions of H atom temperature at the n=2 state in helicon-wave H2 plasmas
    Y. Okumura, M. Aramaki, M. Goto, S. Muto, S. Morita, and K. Sasaki
    Proc. International COE Forum on Plasma Science and Technology, Nagoya, Japan, 2004

  9. Visualization of metal sputtering plasmas by laser-induced fluorescence imaging spectroscopy
    N. Nafarizal, K. Shibagaki, N. Takada, K. Nakamura, M. Kobayashi, and K. Sasaki
    Abstracts of 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology & Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials, Fukuoka, Japan, 2004

  10. Visualization of spatial velocity distribution of atoms in magnetron sputtering plasmas by laser-induced fluorescence imaging spectroscopy
    K. Shibagaki, N. Nafarizal, K. Sasaki, H. Toyota, S. Iwata, K. Kato, S. Tsunashima and H. Sugai
    Abstracts of 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology & Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials, Fukuoka, Japan, 2004

  11. Absolute densities and reaction kinetics on H atoms and CFx radicals in low-pressure, high-density helicon-wave CHF3 plasmas
    K. Sasaki, and M. Okamoto
    Abstracts of 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology & Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials, Fukuoka, Japan, 2004

  12. Diagnostics of high-energy argon atoms in a magnetron discharge plasma
    H. Toyoda, Y. Sakashita, K. Sasaki, and H. Sugai
    Abstracts of 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology & Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials, Fukuoka, Japan, 2004

  13. Ionization processes of Ti atoms in magnetron sputtering plasmas studied by laser-induced fluorescence imaging spectroscopy
    N. Nafarizal, N. Takada, K. Nakamura, M. Kobayashi, and K. Sasaki
    Abstracts of 57th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Bunratty, Ireland, 2004

  14. Transport of oxygen radicals in a slender glass tube of a microwave remote plasma source
    K. Sasaki, and K. Takizawa
    Abstracts of 57th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Bunratty, Ireland, 2004

  15. Structure of sheath electric field in electronegative Ar/SF6 plasmas measured by laser-induced fluorescence-dip spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki, K. Takizawa, and A. Kono
    Abstracts of 57th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Bunratty, Ireland, 2004

  16. Density of N atoms in a nitrogen source used for the gallium nitride epitaxy
    N. Sadeghi, J. Osaka, K. Sasaki, and H. Sugai
    Abstracts of 57th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Bunratty, Ireland, 2004

  17. Measurement of high-energy neutral atoms in rare gas magnetron discharge
    H. Toyoda, Y. Sakashita, J. Gao, K. Sasaki, S. Iwata, T. Kato, S. Tsunashima, and H. Sugai
    Abstracts of 57th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Bunratty, Ireland, 2004

  18. Visualized measurements of densities and velocities of Fe and Cu atoms in magnetron sputtering plasmas
    J. Gao, N. Nafarizal, K. Shibagaki, K. Sasaki, H. Toyoda, S. Iwata, T. Kato, S. Tsunashima, and H. Sugai
    Abstracts of 57th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Bunratty, Ireland, 2004

  19. Diagnostics and industrial applications of physical vapor deposition plasmas (sputtering and laser ablation)
    K. Sasaki
    Abstracts of First Regional Workshop on Low Temperature Plasmas and Their Applications, Tabriz Iran, 2004

  20. Anomalous ionization of copper atoms in argon-based sputtering plasmas
    H. Kadota, K. Namakura, N. Nafarizal, K. Sasaki, and M. Kobayashi
    Abstracts of AVS 51st International Symposium and Exhibition, Anaheim, USA, 2004
  21. Ionization processes of metal atoms in high-pressure dc magnetron sputtering discharges
    N. Nafarizal, K. Shibagaki, N. Takada, K. Nakamura, M. Kobayashi, and K. Sasaki
    Abstracts of AVS 51st International Symposium and Exhibition, Anaheim, USA, 2004

  22. 2D-imaging measurements of sputtered atom velocities in dc magnetron discharges by Doppler-shifted LIF
    K. Sasaki, K. Shibagaki, N. Nafarizal, H. Toyoda, T. Kato, S. Iwata, S. Tsunashima, and H. Sugai
    Abstracts of AVS 51st International Symposium and Exhibition, Anaheim, USA, 2004


  1. Sensitive measurement of electric field in a collisionless dc sheath by laser-induced fluorescence-dip spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki and K. Takizawa
    2003 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Jeju, Korea, 2003

  2. Dynamics of laser-ablation plume and ambient gas visualized by two-dimentional laser-induced dluorescence
    H. Watarai and K. Sasaki
    2003 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Jeju, Korea, 2003

  3. Sensitive measurement of electric field distribution in an ICP Ar plamsa by laser-induced fluorescence-dip spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki, K. Takizawa, A. Kono, and V. P. Gavrilenko
    11th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Les Houches, France, 2003

  4. Diagnostics of removal processes of NO and NO2 in high-pressure streamer discharges by laser-induced fluorescence
    H. Kurakane, M. Aramaki, and K. Sasaki
    11th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Les Houches, France, 2003

  5. Visualization of laser ablation plume and ambient gas by laser-induced fluorescence imaging spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki and H. Watarai
    7th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Crete, Greece, 2003

  6. Synthesis of anatase-type TiO2 films by reactive laser ablation of a metal Ti target in ambient O2 gas
    H. Ito, N. Takada, and K. Sasaki
    7th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Crete, Greece, 2003

  7. Enhancement of the synthesis efficiency of carbon cluster ions by the irradiation of two laser pulses to polymers in vacuum
    Y. Kamiya, K. Shibagaki, and K. Sasaki
    7th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Crete, Greece, 2003

  8. Structure of electric field in sheath and presheath regions of a low-pressure ICP Ar plasmas measured by laser-induced fluorescence-dip spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki, K. Takizawa, and A. Kono
    56th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2003

  9. Distributions of absolute C2 and C3 densities in low-pressure, high-density C4F8 plasmas measured by broadband absorption spectroscopy combined with laser-induced fluorescence
    M. Aramaki, M. Kobayashi, and K. Sasaki
    56th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2003

  10. Energy distribution measurement of atoms and ions sputtered by a magnetron plasma
    H. Matsui, H. Toyoda, K. Shibagaki, K. Sasaki, T. Kato, S. Iwata, S. Tsunashima, and H. Sugai
    56th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2003

  11. Distribution of Fe atom density in a dc magnetron sputtering plasma source measured by laser-induced fluorescence imaging spectroscopy
    K. Shibagaki, N. Nafarizal, K. Sasaki, H. Toyoda, S. Iwata, T. Kato, S. Tsunashima, and H. Sugai
    56th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2003

  12. In-situ abservatioin of NO and NO2 in streamer corona discharge by two-dimentional laser-induced fluorescence
    M. Aramaki, H. Kurakane, and K. Sasaki
    56th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2003

  13. The use of BEM and NN system to estimate density distribution of plasma
    A. Ota, S. Tomioka, S. Nisiyama, T. Enoto
    International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics 2003, 15-16, Nagano, Japan, 2003

  14. TEM and XRD Studies on Helical Polyacetylenes Prepared Using a Rh Complex Catalyst
    M. Kozuka, Y. Mawatari, T. Shibayama, H. Takahashi, T. Enoto, M. Tabata
    The 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials 2003 Abstracts, 78, Yokohama, Japan, 2003

  15. Identification of Electromagnetic Mode Excited by Electron Beam in Waveguide using Genetic Algorithm
    S. Tomioka, S. Nisiyama, T. Enoto
    1st Asia-Pacific International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering (ICOME 2003), 38-39, Sapporo, Japan, 2003


  1. Surface production of CFx and Cn radicals in high-density, low-pressure, fluorocarbon plasmas
    K. Sasaki and K. Kadota
    4th International Workshop on Fluorocarbon Plasmas, Col de Porte, France, 2002

  2. Dynamics of titanium plasmas produced by laser ablation
    K. Sasaki, S. Matsui, and K. Kadota
    Joint conference of 16th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases and 5th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Grenoble, France, 2002

  3. Stark spectroscopy of Ar Rydberg states for sheath electric field measurements in processing plasmas
    K. Takizawa, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    Joint conference of 16th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases and 5th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Grenoble, France, 2002

  4. Laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry of fluorocarbon films synthesized by C4F8/H2 plasmas
    K. Shibagaki, T. Maeda, N. Takada, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    Joint conference of 16th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases and 5th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Grenoble, France, 2002

  5. Chemical bonding of fluorocarbon films which can produce CFx radicals
    N. Takada, K. Sasaki, T. Iida, K. Shibagaki, and K. Kadota
    Joint conference of 16th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases and 5th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Grenoble, France, 2002

  6. Measurements of hydrogen atom temperature in helicon-wave H2 plasmas using a Gabry-Perot interferometer
    M. Aramaki, K. Kato, K. Sasaki, K. Kadota, M. Goto, S. Muto, and S. Morita
    Joint conference of 16th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases and 5th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Grenoble, France, 2002

  7. Stark spectra of argon Rydberg states measured by laser-induced fluorescence-dip spectroscopy under well-defined electric fields
    K. Takizawa, K. Sasaki, K. Kadota, and V. P. Gavrilenko
    55th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Minneapolis, USA, 2002

  8. Measurement of hydrogen atom density in high-density CF4/H2 plasmas by (2+1)-photon laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki, M. Okamoto, and K. Kadota
    55th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Minneapolis, USA, 2002

  9. Laser-desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry for analyzing fluorocarbon films synthesized by C4F8/H2 plasmas
    K. Shibagaki, T. Maeda, N. Takada, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    Third Asian Pacific Laser Symposium, Osaka, Japan, 2002

  10. Measurements of density distributions of Ti, Ti+, and TiO in laser ablation Ti plumes by laser-induced fluorescence imaging spectroscopy
    H. Ito, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    Third Asian Pacific Laser Symposium, Osaka, Japan, 2002

  11. Sensitive measurement of sheath electric field in ICP Ar plasmas by laser-induced fluorescence-dip spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki, K. Takizawa, V. P. Gavrilenko, and K. Kadota
    International Workshop on State-of-the-Art Plasma Diagnostics, Nagoya, Japan, 2002

  12. An improvement method of the simultaneity of image on ultra high-speed X-ray framaing camera with the gated microchannel plate detector
    Yoshihiro Ito, Yasuto Katoh, Makoto Kagata, Shusuke Nisiyama, Satoshi Tomioka, Takeaki Enoto
    25th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, Beaune, France , 2002

  13. Diffusion of radionuclides and microstructure of compacted bentonite observed with micro-CT
    Tamotsu Kozaki, Satoshi Tomioka, Jinhong Liu, Naofumi Kozai, Satoru Suzuki, Takeaki Enoto, Seichi Sato
    Clays In Natulal and Engineered Barriers For Radioactive Waste Confinement, 315-316, Reims, France , 2002


  1. Production of Carbon Clusters by Laser Ablation of Graphite and Polymers in Vacuum,
    K. Shibagaki, N. Takada, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    The Seventh European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Berlin, Germany, 2001

  2. Effect of surface materials on the lifetime of nitrigen radicals in a helicon-wave radical source
    H. Urayama, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    XXVth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Nagoya, Japan, 2001

  3. Density distributions of C2 and C3 radicals in laser-ablation plumes measured by tow-dimention laser-induced fluorescence
    K. Sasaki, T. Wakasaki, and K. Kadota
    XXVth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Nagoya, Japan, 2001

  4. Formation of Carbon Clusters by Laser Ablation of Polymers in Vacuum
    K. Shibagaki, N. Takada, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    XXVth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Nagoya, Japan, 2001

  5. A proposal for measuring the density distribution of F atoms in plasmas by detecting a metastable state
    K. Takizawa, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    XXVth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Nagoya, Japan, 2001

  6. Measurements of absolute hydrogen atom densities in plasmas by (2+1)-photon laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki, M. Okamoto, and K. Kadota
    10th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Fukuoka, Japan, 2001

  7. Detection of Rydberg states of argon atoms in a plasma by laser-induced fluorescence-dip spectroscopy for electric field measurement
    K. Takizawa, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    10th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Fukuoka, Japan, 2001

  8. Observation of cntinuous emission spectra from laser-ablation carbon plumes
    K. Sasaki, T. Wakasaki, and K. Kadota
    6th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Tsukuba, Japan, 2001

  9. Observation of Large-Size Carbon Cluster Ions by Laser Ablation of Polymers in vacuum
    K. Shibagaki, N. Takada, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    6th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Tsukuba, Japan, 2001

  10. Possibility of significant heating of H atoms in high-density, helicon-wave excited hydrogen plasmas
    K. Sasaki, M. Nakamoto, and K. Kadota
    54th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, State Colledge, USA, 2001

  11. Composition of positive ions in high-density hydrogen plasmas
    K. Sasaki, H. Yamaguchi, and K. Kadota
    54th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, State Colledge, USA, 2001

  12. Detection of Rydberg levels of Ar atoms in a plasma by laser-induced fluorescence-dip spectroscopy
    K. Takizawa, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    54th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, State Colledge, USA, 2001

  13. Measurements of H atom and CFx radical densities in high-density CHF3 plasmas by laser-induced fluorescence
    K. Sasaki, M. Okamoto, and K. Kadota
    IUVSTA 15th International Vacuum Congress, AVS 48th International Symposium, and 11th International Conference on Solid Surfaces, San Francisco, USA, 2001

  14. Molecular structure of fluorocarbon deposits analyzed by EIMS and CIMS combined with thermal desorption technique
    N. Takada, K. Sasaki, K. Shibagaki, and K.Kadota
    IUVSTA 15th International Vacuum Congress, AVS 48th International Symposium, and 11th International Conference on Solid Surfaces, San Francisco, USA, 2001

  15. Laser Desorption Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry of Deposits Synthesized by Fluorocarbon Plasmas
    K. Shibagaki, N. Takada, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    Frontiers of Surface Engineering 2001, Nagoya, Japan, 2001

  16. Evaluation of interchanging carbon fluxes between chamber wall and gas-phase in fluorocarbon plasmas
    N. Takada, K. Sasaki, T. Iida, K. Shibagaki, and K. Kadota
    Frontiers of Surface Engineering 2001, Nagoya, Japan, 2001

  17. Correlation between the property of fluorocarbon film and the surface production of CFx radicals
    K. Sasaki, T. Iida, N. Takada, and K. Kadota
    1st International Symposium on Dry Processes, Tokyo, Japan, 2001

  18. The study of the spatial resolution improvement of the scanning detector
    Y. Katoh, Y. Ito, N. Tomonura, S. Tomioka, T. Enoto
    Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4183, 209-16, 2001

  19. Simulation in applying genetic algorithm for non-destructive measurement of electron beam transverse profile
    S. Tomioka, S. Nisiyama, T. Enoto
    Proc. of 10th Int. Symp. on Simulation and Design of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 343-344, Tokyo, 2001

  20. Scattered field FD-TD analysis for wake-fields computation
    S. Nisiyama, S.Tomioka, T. Enoto
    Proc. of 10th Int. Symp. on Simulation and Design of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 359-360, Tokyo, 2001

  21. UV and ESR Studies on γ-ray Irradiated Polyacetylene Esters Prepared Using a Rh Complex Catalyst
    Munehiro KOZUKA , Takeyuki SONE, Yoshikazu SADAHIRO, Masayoshi TABATA, Takeaki ENOTO
    Polymers in the Third Millennium, Poster Abstracts, Mon D 17, University Montpellier II, Languedoc, FRANCE, 2001


  1. Laser-probed mass spectral analysis of fluorocarbon deposits formed by CF4/H2, C4F8, and C4F8/H2 plasmas
    K. Shibagaki, N. Takada, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    International Workshop on Basic Aspects of Non-equilibrium Plasmas Interacting with Surfaces, Nagasaki, Japan, 2000

  2. Correlation between the densities of CF2 and CxFy in C4F8 plasmas
    K. Sasaki, K. Takizawa, and K. Kadota
    International Workshop on Basic Aspects of Non-equilibrium Plasmas Interacting with Surfaces, Nagasaki, Japan, 2000

  3. Composition of positive ions in high-density H2 and D2 plasmas measured by time-of-flight mass spectrometry
    K. Sasaki, H. Yamaguchi, K. Kadota, S. Sobhanian, M. Goto, S. Morita, and K. Kawahata
    Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, Lillafured, Hungary, 2000

  4. Measurements of absolute H atom density in high-density H2 plasmas by (2+1)-photon laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki, M. Nakamoto, and K. Kadota
    Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, Lillafured, Hungary, 2000

  5. Diagnostics of H- and D- in high-density H2 and D2 plasmas by laser photodetachment and optical emission spectroscopy
    H. Yamaguchi, K. Sasaki, K. Kadota, M. Goto, S. Morita, and K. Kawahata
    53rd Gaseous Electronics Conference, Houston, USA, 2000

  6. A compact nitrogen radical source by helicon-wave discharge employing a permanent magnet
    H. Kokubu, K. Sasaki, K. Kadota, and D. Hayashi
    53rd Gaseous Electronics Conference, Houston, USA, 2000

  7. Diagnostics of C3 radicals in high-density C4F8 plasmas by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki, T. Takizawa, and K. Kadota
    53rd Gaseous Electronics Conference, Houston, USA, 2000

  8. The evaluation of an improvement method of the simultaneity of an ultra high-speed framing camera
    Yoshihiro Ito, Yasuto Katoh, Makoto Kagata, Satoshi Tomioka, Takeaki Enoto
    24th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics & Exhibition, 201, Sendai, JAPAN, 2000

  9. The study of the spatial resolution improvement of the scanning detector
    Y. Katoh, Y. Ito, N. Tomonura, S. Tomioka, T. Enoto
    24th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics & Exhibitions, 199, Sendai, JAPAN, 2000

    Masayoshi TABATA,Munehiro KOZUKA,Takeyuki SONE,Takeaki ENOTO

  11. The evaluation of an improvement method of the simultaneity of an ultra high-speed framing camera
    Yoshihiro Ito, Yasuto Katoh, Makoto Kagata, Satoshi Tomioka, Takeaki Enoto
    24th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, Sendai, Japan, 2000


  1. Measurements of H atom and HF molecule densities in high-density CF4-H2 plasmas
    K. Sasaki, K. Usui, and K. Kadota
    XXIV International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Warsaw, Poland, 1999

  2. Observation of self-association reaction of CF2 radicals in late afterglow of low-pressure C4F8 plasmas
    C. Suzuki, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    XXIV International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Warsaw, Poland, 1999

  3. Diagnostics of laser-ablated carbon plumes by photoionization using a tunable laser
    K. Sasaki, T. Kawashima, and K. Kadota
    5th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Gottingen, Germany, 1999

  4. Laser-induced fluorescence measurements of C2 in laser-ablated carbon plumes
    T. Wakasaki, C. Suzuki, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    5th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Gottingen, Germany, 1999

  5. Absolute density and reaction kinetics of fluorine atoms in fluorocarbon plasmas studied by vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki and K. Kadota
    196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Inc., 1999 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan, with technical cosponsorship of The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Honolulu, USA, 1999

  6. FD-TD Analysis of Scattered Fields Excited by a High Energy Pulsed Beam of Charged Particles Using Point Charge Responses
    Shusuke Nisiyama, Satoshi Tomioka, Takeaki Enoto
    12th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, 606-607, Sapporo, Japan, 1999

  7. Analysis for Improvement of Simultaneity of Shuttering in Ultra High-speed Framing Camera
    Yoshihiro Ito, Yasuto Katoh, Makoto Kagata, Satoshi Tomioka, Takeaki Enoto
    12th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, 862-863, Sapporo, Japan, 1999

    Munehiro KOZUKA, Takeyuki SONE, Yoshikazu SADAHIRO, Masayoshi TABATA, Takeaki ENOTO
    Proc. of 13th International Symposium on Olefin Metathesis and Related Chemistry 1999 (ISOM '99), 66 ,Kerkrade, The Netherlands, 1999
    Munehiro KOZUKA, Takeyuki SONE, Yoshikazu SADAHIRO, Masayoshi TABATA, Takeaki ENOTO
    Proc. of 13th International Symposium on Olefin Metathesis and Related Chemistry 1999 (ISOM '99), 67 ,Kerkrade, The Netherlands, 1999


  1. Importance of reaction products for the production of fluorine negative ions in low-pressure, high-density CF4 plasmas
    K. Sasaki, D. Hayashi, N. Takada, and K. Kadota
    2nd International Workshop on Fluorocarbon Plasmas, Col de Porte, France, 1998

  2. Surface productions of CF, CF2 and C2 radicals in carbon-rich fluorocarbon plasmas
    K. Sasaki, C. Suzuki, H. Furukawa, and K. Kadota
    2nd International Workshop on Fluorocarbon Plasmas, Col de Porte, France, 1998

  3. Loss processes of F atoms in high-density CF4-H2 plasmas
    K. Sasaki, K. Usui, C. Suzuki, and K. Kadota
    51st Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference and 4th Int. Conf. Reactive Plasmas, Maui, USA, 1998

  4. A rectangular helicon-wave plasma source with permanent magnets and a simple rf antenna
    K. Sasaki, T. Shoji, D. Hayashi, K. Kadota, S. Den, and Y. Sakamoto
    51st Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference and 4th Int. Conf. Reactive Plasmas, Maui, USA, 1998

  5. Effect of surface chemistry on CF, CF2, and C2 radical densities in high-density CF4/H2 plasmas
    C. Suzuki, H. Furukawa, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    51st Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference and 4th Int. Conf. Reactive Plasmas, Maui, USA, 1998

  6. Temporal variation of the electron density in afterglow of high-density CF4, C4F8, and CF4-H2 plasmas
    K. Sasaki and K. Kadota
    51st Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference and 4th Int. Conf. Reactive Plasmas, Maui, USA, 1998

  7. Production and loss mechanisms of H- in helicon-wave H2 plasmas
    D. Hayashi, M. Nakamoto, K. Sasaki, K. Kadota, K. Tsumori, Y. Oka, and O. Kaneko
    51st Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference and 4th Int. Conf. Reactive Plasmas, Maui, USA, 1998

  8. Surface kinetics of CFx radicals in fluorocarbon plasmas studied by laser-induced fluorescence
    C. Suzuki, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    20th Symposium on Dry Process, Tokyo, Japan, 1998

  9. Radiation-Induced Cis to Trans Isomerization of Polyacetylene Esters Prepared Using Rh Catalysts
    Munehiro KOZUKA, Takeyuki SONE, Yoshikazu SADAHIRO, Masayoshi TABATA, Takeaki ENOTO
    World Polymer Congress 98, 51, Gold Coast. Australia, 1998

  10. AFM Studies of Columnars of Polyacetylenes Prepared Using Rh Catalysts
    Munehiro KOZUKA, Takeyuki SONE, Yoshikazu SADAHIRO, Masayoshi TABATA, Takeaki ENOTO
    World Polymer Congress 98, 111, Gold Coast. Australia, 1998


  1. Measurements of electron density in helicon-wave excited high-density reactive plasmas by vacuum ultraviolet emission spectroscopy
    Y. Kawai, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    3rd International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Nara, Japan, 1997

  2. Dynamic variation of sticking probability of oxygen atoms in helicon-wave excited high-density oxygen plasmas
    J. Matsushita, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    3rd International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Nara, Japan, 1997

  3. Efficient production of negative ions by plasma profile control
    D. Hayashi, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    3rd International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Nara, Japan, 1997

  4. Detection of negative ions by optical emission spectroscopy in high-density oxygen afterglow plasmas
    T. Ishikawa, D. Hayashi, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    3rd International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Nara, Japan, 1997

  5. Effect of surface conditions on radical behavior in high-density C4F8 plasmas
    C. Suzuki, Y. Kawai, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    3rd International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Nara, Japan, 1997

  6. Kinetics of free radicals in helicon-wave excited high-density CF4 plasmas
    K. Kadota, K. Sasaki, C. Suzuki, and Y. Kawai
    International Workshop on Basic Aspects of Nonequilibrium Plasmas Interacting with Surfaces, Shirahama, Japan, 1997

  7. Rate coefficient for the mutual neutralization of O+ and O- ions in the afterglow of an oxygen plasma
    K. Kadota, T. Ishikawa, D. Hayashi, and K. Sasaki
    XX International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Vienna, Austria, 1997

  8. Efficient production of H- in high-density helicon plasmas
    D. Hayashi, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    Joint Meeting of 8th International Symposium on the Production and Neutralization of Negative Ions and Beams and 7th Workshop on the Production and Application of Light Negative Ions, Villagium de Giens, France, 1997

  9. Diagnostics of fluorine negative ions in high-density CF4 plasmas by laser photodetachment combined with a heated probe
    K. Sasaki, N. Takada, D. Hayashi, and K. Kadota
    8th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Doorwerth, Netherlands, 1997

  10. Measurements of H- density in high-density hydrogen plasmas by laser photodetachment
    D. Hayashi, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    8th International Symposium on Laser-AidedPlasma Diagnostics, Doorwerth, Netherlands, 1997

  11. Density and kinetics of fluorine atoms in helicon-wave C4F8 plasmas
    K. Sasaki, C. Suzuki, and K. Kadota
    50th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Madison, USA, 1997

  12. Diagnostics of diatomic carbon in high-density C4F8 plasmas
    C. Suzuki, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    50th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Madison, USA, 1997

  13. Space- and time-resolved measurements of F- density in high-density fluorocarbon plasmas by laser photodetachment
    D. Hayashi, N. Takada, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    50th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Madison, USA, 1997


  1. Diagnostics of positive and negative ions in high-density CF4 plasmas by time-of-flight mass spectrometry
    K. Sasaki, K. Ura, and K. Kadota
    1996 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Boston, USA, 1996

  2. Measurements of CFx radicals in fluorocarbon helicon plasmas by laser-induced fluorescence
    C. Suzuki, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science & Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 1996

  3. Measurements of fluorine atom density in helicon-wave CF4 plasmas by vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy
    Y. Kawai, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science & Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 1996

  4. Basic experiments on in situ magnetized boronization by electron cyclotron resonance discharges
    T. Kokura, K. Sasaki, H. Toyoda, T. Mizuuchi, K. Kondo, F. Sano, T. Obiki, and H. Sugai
    1996 International Conference on Plasma Surface Interaction, Saint Raphael, France, 1996

  5. Temporal and spatial behavior of negative ions in high-density oxygen plasmas
    D. Hayashi, T. Ishikawa, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    1996 International Conference on Plasma Physics, Nagoya, Japan, 1996

  6. Measurements of negative ion behavior in high-density carbon-tetrafluoride plasmas by time-of-flight mass spectrometry
    K. Sasaki, K. Ura, and K. Kadota
    1996 International Conference on Plasma Physics, Nagoya, Japan, 1996

  7. Lifetime measurements of fluorine atoms in afterglow CF4 plasmas by vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy
    K. Sasaki, Y. Kawai, C. Suzuki, and K. Kadota
    43rd National symposium of the American Vacuum Society, Philadelphia, USA, 1996

  8. Vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy for absolute density measurements of fluorine atoms in fluorocarbon plasmas
    K. Sasaki, Y. Kawai, and K. Kadota
    49th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Argonne, USA, 1996

  9. Effects of ECH on NBI plasma in Heliotron-E
    T. Obiki, F. Sano, K. Kondo, H. Zushi,.., H. Sugai, H. Toyoda, K. Sasaki, et al.
    16th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Montreal, Canada, 1996

  10. A Hierarchical Domain Decomposition Boundary Element Method Applied to Neutron Diffusion Equation
    Proc. Int. Conf. on the Physics of Reactors PHYSOR 96, 1, 263-277, 水戸, 1996

  11. A New Formulation of Boundary Element Method for a Thin Metal Plate in the Electostatic Potential Problem
    S. Nisiyama, S. Tomioka, M. Kagata, H. Itoh, T. Enoto
    BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHODS - Proceedings of the 7th Japan-China Symposium on Boundary Element Methods, 319-326, Fukuoka, 1996

  12. Influence of Shear Stress Tensor on Electron Distribution Function in Fully and Partially Ionized Plasmas
    Shun-ichi Oikawa, Takeaki Enoto, Toshiro Yamashina
    International Conference on Plasma Physics (ICPP-96 Nagoya), 10B18, 135, Nagoya, 1996


  1. Long-pulse operation and passive mode locking in a hybrid CO2 laser with two TEA sections
    K. Sasaki
    CLEO/Pacific Rim '95, Makuhari, Japan, 1995

  2. In situ deposition of boron layer by electron cyclotron resonance discharges for wall conditioning
    H. Sugai, T. Kokura, K. Sasaki, H. Toyoda, T. Mizuuchi, K. Kondo, F. Sano, and T. Obiki
    The XXII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gas, New Jersey, USA, 1995

  3. Measurement of negative ions in high density oxygen plasma by probe-assisted laser photodetachment method
    D. Hayashi, K. Ura, K. Sasaki and K. Kadota
    IUVSTA International Workshop on Plasma Sources and Surface Interactions in Material Processing, Fujiyoshida, Japan, 1995

  4. Single-mode and long-pulse operation of TEA CO2 lasers for collective Thomson scattering experiments
    K. Sasaki, M. Nagatsu, and T. Tsukishima
    Meeting on Collective Scattering for ITER, Kasuga, Japan, 1995

  5. Negative ion diagnostics by laser photodetachment in high-density oxygen plasmas
    D. Hayashi, T. Ishikawa, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    7th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Fukuoka, Japan, 1995

  6. Laser-induced fluorescence measurements of CFx radicals in CF4 helicon plasmas
    C. Suzuki, J. Matsushita, K. Sasaki, and K. Kadota
    7th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Fukuoka, Japan, 1995

  7. Behavior of ions and radicals in processing plasmas
    K. Kadota
    Joint Japan-Philippines Workshop on Plasma Production and Industrial Applications, Quezon City, Philippines, 1995

  8. Numerical simulation on unsteady flow induced in rarefied gas container by the Monte Carlo method
    K.Sugiyama, H.Sakurai, T.Enoto, M.Ishiguro
    Proc. 1995 ASME/JSME Thermal Eng. Joint Conf., 1, 499-504, , 1995

  9. Nonequilibrium Plasma Generator -Effects of Oxygen Dissociation/Recombination and Condensed Metal Oxides on a Light Metal Combustion Plasma-
    S. Oikawa, Y. C. L. Wu, T. Enoto
    Proc. 33rd SEAM, VII.5.1-VII.5.10, Tullahoma, 1995


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